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Well, I had a few catwalk shows before xmas.....oh you mean malifaux modelling?

Nah, don't be stupid..keep on buying..no time to build!

Before xmas? I thought you'd be more popular around easter... what with being an egg and all?! :D

And yeah, my pile of "To Build" stuff is getting stupid.. I plan on taking some time off soon to have a crazed hobby non stop few days..... thats the plan anyway ;)

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Before xmas? I thought you'd be more popular around easter... what with being an egg and all?! :D

And yeah, my pile of "To Build" stuff is getting stupid.. I plan on taking some time off soon to have a crazed hobby non stop few days..... thats the plan anyway ;)

yeah, plan to do that around easter...


Oh, I made some alterations while you were sleeping ;) huh huh :D

The Guild never sleeps....

Right off home now..see ya all again..

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*ducks the piglet by stepping into Steam's shaddow; steps out of Regs, steals his hat and tosses it onto the Jackalope antlers over the fire place; sets out Chocolate Chip Cookies with a sign that reads "to sKeTCH" on it*

Afternoon Wyrdlings!!!!

STILL no Snow!!!

and half the schools in this area are closed *rolls eyes* you'd think Mainers don't know how to deal with a blizzard

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