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Not bad, glad the end of the week is approaching. Just wish the weather would improve. Months of bad weather is depressing.

How're you? Any more book recommendations? I read the first of the Kris Longknifes and thought it was good fun. The end was a little abrupt but didn't ruin the overall feeling.

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Yeah, he does tend to do abrupt endings.

Well, as a shameless, shameless plug, I just put up a couple pages of writing. :)

As far as new novels... If you haven't read any of the Tortall books by Tamora Pierce they're pretty good. Start with the Lioness Quartet.

The Trickster books were SO much better.... but I like the circle books too :)

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And............. I'm done. 100% completion on Skyrim.. EVERYTHING is done. Go me! :D

Oh, and morning! :D

Loser. ;)

There must be some bad wiring in our heads. I even typed Allow again when writing the correction. I'm not about to start claiming the usual internet scapegoat of dyslexia, just plain old stupidity/mistake.

Gremlins. fact...Blame Regnak.

I never claimed I was sane, people just assumed...

sane? *rolls on floor laughing*

Sorry. ;)

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I am going to the game store tonight to pack up terrain!!! I have 5 players for my Tourney (I'm still hoping for a few more) and I have a couple fairly big groups for Demos. I'm going to bring my paints and some empty boxes with me so if I'm not Demoing I can be working on some commissions. Then at least I'll be doing something productive that is still Malifaux related :D

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