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so... we're gonna be okay with Jersey Shore and whatever other crap they put on TV..? o_O

I think... emotionally... this generation is F***ed... mostly 'cause they don't have any positive role models... period. They don't have good examples of healthy relationships anywhere (for the most part). I don't think them reading a book is going to screw them over any worse than an hour watching MTV....

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so... we're gonna be okay with Jersey Shore and whatever other crap they put on TV..? o_O

I think... emotionally... this generation is F***ed... mostly 'cause they don't have any positive role models... period. They don't have good examples of healthy relationships anywhere (for the most part). I don't think them reading a book is going to screw them over any worse than an hour watching MTV....

Now, I never said that...I have huge problems with most of what's on TV. I don't watch MTV...ever. I don't watch most TV, actually. I will agree with you on how screwed up this generation is, though.

Edit: Actually, I think my reaction is so strong to Twilight because of how much I've heard about it, rather than hearing about MTV. I'm in the right circles to hear about Twilight, versus something like Jersey Shore.

Edited by edonil
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so... we're gonna be okay with Jersey Shore and whatever other crap they put on TV..? o_O

I think... emotionally... this generation is F***ed... mostly 'cause they don't have any positive role models... period. They don't have good examples of healthy relationships anywhere (for the most part). I don't think them reading a book is going to screw them over any worse than an hour watching MTV....

The problem with this generation which can be attributed all around the world is that we have a generation of complete morons who believe it is their right to be rich and famous for doing precisely sod all and they walk around with a constant chip on their shoulder believing that the world owes them a favour

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The problem with this generation which can be attributed all around the world is that we have a generation of complete morons who believe it is their right to be rich and famous for doing precisely sod all and they walk around with a constant chip on their shoulder believing that the world owes them a favour

Who needs healthy relationships when everyone will become millionaires from winning 'insert something here' Idol or becoming the next sports sensation. Studying and hard work are overrated!

Glad to hear this problem transcends location...

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so... we're gonna be okay with Jersey Shore and whatever other crap they put on TV..? o_O

I think... emotionally... this generation is F***ed... mostly 'cause they don't have any positive role models... period. They don't have good examples of healthy relationships anywhere (for the most part). I don't think them reading a book is going to screw them over any worse than an hour watching MTV....

I agree theres far too much crap on tv..thats why i don't watch it...unfortunately as generations have gone on, it seems kids are spending more time on the internet, gaming consoles and watching dumbed down tv.

They never go out..they socialise through websites for f***s sake...how is that good for anyone.

Every other word is a swear word, the attitude is terrible, attention span non existent!

I realise I'm generalising but it just seems the world is going to hell slowly.

I hope I can bring Lily up to appreciate art, books and going out and seeing things and socialising (responsibly). I think i would die if she just sat in front of a tv/computer screen all day....

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I haven't actually watched MTV since the 90's... and by 90's I mean early 90's... I watch a few shows... mostly on History channel and NatGeo. But I occasionally get sucked into some crappy reality show (I'll admit... I have a weakness for watching stupid people flaunt their stupidity... I think it's part of the reason I enjoy working at the high school).

And there are actually two parts to that Monkey: one is the entitlement chip on the shoulder... the other is need for instant gratification. They push a button and things happen... and they can't function when it doesn't work like that in real life.

I really want to take the most hooked students camping for the weekend... out in the woods. No phones ipods handhelds. Period. They have to talk to one another and work with one another in person... it would be interesting :)

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They never go out..they socialise through websites for f***s sake...how is that good for anyone.

Ah, irony...anyone else see the irony here? LOL, not that I disagree.

I'm almost at the point of planning to raise my kids on exposure to DVDs alone. And books. So, very, many, books.

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Is Nikita or NCIS LA any good? I like the main NCIS but haven't seen any of LA.

Nikita is brilliant and is helped more by the fact that Maggie Q is well:flame:

LA is great as well a nice different side to the more undercover operational side especially as NCIS is getting a bit stale and boring now

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