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Can't remember exactly what my PC specs are but I think I'm good to play Skyrim when it comes out. Now what to do in the meantime. DoW2 Retribution didn't do it for me. Red Faction Guerilla is ok to mess about it but I don't care much about it. Any other PC (single player) games out there to recommend or should I finally go and get the Shadow Broker DLC for ME2?

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*comes in grumbling*

okay... I have to tell you how stupid the higher ups at Sunglass Hut are.

They want the managers (thankfully not me... I'm just a grunt) to fill out this worksheet on a weekly basis to figure out when the peak hours are, and schedule more people during those hours.

Now forget that I live in Bangor Maine where we might have five sales A DAY (occasionally it's more, but 3-5 is average). So putting two people on during peak hours means one person isn't going to make their sales goals... which means that they aren't going to be able to work peak hours, which means (where I work) there will be no one to cover the shifts. *rolls eyes*

The other part of this is that the big bosses send us the information on one of the worksheets on line. But according to the new numbers, it's wrong... so we have to Change it manually... WHY they don't just change it at a higher level so the managers don't have to worry about it is beyond me. NOT to mention the fact that they want it on paper, in the computer, AND faxed to them...

And I know all this because I'm trying to help my manager figure all this crap out... the schedule is do by C.O.B today... it might be done 0_0

/end rant

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