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wotcha everyone!

Interesting rewrite Edonil, but i think it works...it explains her mistrust and feelings towards the bodyguard.

and kudos for writing it: yes, its an oft used backstory, along with the murder of the family etc, as Steam referred to, but done in the right way and not overdone it can work. Its when every action becomes as a result of a past event that it can become maybe uncomfortable or wearing...

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I go to work and I'm bored... so I'm sleepy all day. And I get home, and I'm wound up... I get into bed, and I can't sleep... 'cause I'm not bored any more... and then the alarm goes off at 5am... When I'm actually asleep... and not ready to get up... *shakes head* I thought about taking some meletonin (sp) but I don't really think it'll help... I don't have trouble staying asleep... I have trouble settling down... 'cause I have all this energy when I get home XP

I said it that way so it would sound like that *takes a bow* occasionally I'm witty :D

Glass of nice warm milk.

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wotcha everyone!

Interesting rewrite Edonil, but i think it works...it explains her mistrust and feelings towards the bodyguard.

and kudos for writing it: yes, its an oft used backstory, along with the murder of the family etc, as Steam referred to, but done in the right way and not overdone it can work. Its when every action becomes as a result of a past event that it can become maybe uncomfortable or wearing...

I certainly don't intend it to! I added this in as a piece to make her more dynamic...characters who become overwhelmed by the past like you described tend to be significantly less. It will have impacts on things later on, but not to the extent that it's her only place to plot develop

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If that's going to keep you away, I've got a collection of my own...so Erie might have to be scratched off your list too, Abs

Heh, the way things are going..the whole USA is probably off my radar....being an international man of mystery and intrigue...

They wouldn't let me in!

And Fell, i saw you can't wait for december because of Sue....Is that so you too can remove the guitar and use it as a representation of me, Absolution Black, on the tabletop?

How sweet...I'm touched! ;)

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