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So, Abs, how's that prequel coming?

Well, as i said earlier, got halfway through it...and got inspired to start a Black oriented prequel....got halfwsy through that...then inspiration left me!

Going to have a re-read of both tonight to see if the muse hits me again!!

So, a bit of progress, but not much lol...

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Yeah, I know the feeling. I'm trying right now to keep from jumping around in the plot and leaving stuff half-finished...put up a mini-poll in the thread cause I'm curious what characters you guys would like to see developed more while I'm working on establishing characters

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Then maybe try to fit him into a different one?

By the way, Abs, everytime I ask questions about my stories, you never cease to amaze me...I wasn't expecting Soli and Arias to be such interesting characters. In some ways (Soli more than Arias) they're characters from my last attempt at a book, and they weren't very popular...now in their new avatars, they seem to be well liked. It just baffles me...in a good way, I'll admit

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Then maybe try to fit him into a different one?

By the way, Abs, everytime I ask questions about my stories, you never cease to amaze me...I wasn't expecting Soli and Arias to be such interesting characters. In some ways (Soli more than Arias) they're characters from my last attempt at a book, and they weren't very popular...now in their new avatars, they seem to be well liked. It just baffles me...in a good way, I'll admit

lol, I like the underdogs!

And as for my story, I am thinking that Hrothgar needs a prequel all to himself..after all, the rebellion, the first meeting with Black, the bond etc....all needs explaining, yet I don't know if he is such a big enough character to justify that....

Tough choices...

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(facepalm) oi.

Anyway, back to your prequel...if Hrothgar doesn't fit in well to that prequel story, don't try to force him in. Back off the timing of the prequel, so that you have room to put Hrothgar in properly.

yeah, may revisit this one and either scratch it completely or try and write something else instead.....Hrothgar deserves a full prequel of his own at least, maybe two or more!

Hell, I'm going to be writing forever! I already have 2 in mind for Black, 2 for Knoffler and possibly another for Lydia...after all I don't think I've really touched on who her mother is......... and she has some very unique gifts (Lydia)

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Heh, sounds like you've got a lot to work on, eh? Nice.

And Elril wants to see more Waechter...I'm almost afraid to do that one, considering the reaction he got in his last scene...lol

but...a lot can be done with him.And I would really like to see him get his due...and if somehow Faulkner can do it, all the better!

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Alright Abs, it's been fun chatting with you...but I need to get to bed. Gonna take a nap and reset the sleep pattern. (yawn) I'll talk to you on Monday, have a good weekend. Hopefully I won't do what I did last weekend and have the muse abandon me till Monday...

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