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True...true. Anyway...I'm going to be up very late today... :P Got a meeting at 11:30. Currently sitting in a Tim Hortons (Dunkin Donuts, how I miss you! :( ) and finishing up a scene to put up, then I'll be jumping into another one to try to make up for no writing yesterday.

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I will say, I've found the perfect song to listen to while writing the battle... The March of Cambreadth, by Heather Alexander.

Axes flash, broadsword swing,

Shining armour's piercing ring

Horses run with polished shield,

Fight Those Bastards till They Yield

Midnight mare and blood red roan,

Fight to Keep this Land Your Own

Sound the horn and call the cry,

How Many of Them Can We Make Die!

Follow orders as you're told,

Make Their Yellow Blood Run Cold

Fight until you die or drop,

A Force Like Ours is Hard to Stop

Close your mind to stress and pain,

Fight till You're No Longer Sane

Let not one damn cur pass by,

How Many of Them Can We Make Die!

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I will say, I've found the perfect song to listen to while writing the battle... The March of Cambreadth, by Heather Alexander.

Axes flash, broadsword swing,

Shining armour's piercing ring

Horses run with polished shield,

Fight Those Bastards till They Yield

Midnight mare and blood red roan,

Fight to Keep this Land Your Own

Sound the horn and call the cry,

How Many of Them Can We Make Die!

Follow orders as you're told,

Make Their Yellow Blood Run Cold

Fight until you die or drop,

A Force Like Ours is Hard to Stop

Close your mind to stress and pain,

Fight till You're No Longer Sane

Let not one damn cur pass by,

How Many of Them Can We Make Die!

i do like a nice happy song! :)

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