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*Offers Fell a nice English cup of tea made in what we call Builders Strength* :)

I remember when I was in the states how hard it was to get a nice cup of tea. Although I remember talking to a guy in a bar in Florida who told me all about his fave gun and that its in his truck right now if I wanted to see it.... :D Guns everywhere but not a decent cup of tea to be found! :D

Now thats a chat up line.....

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Now thats a chat up line.....

I got talking to these guys as this was a few years back and I don't know if its changed now but where the english cigarettes have those signs about how it kills you, everyone around you and more importantly your sperm and the American ones didn't they thought it was hilarious and were passing the packet around the bar and getting me drinks and asking if I know a friend "Steve" who lives in London etc. Nice guys :D

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I love Tea... I really like Lady Grey tea... I need to buy some loose tea and a steeper.... I usually just use tea bags now... I took the loratadine... It'll take about 30min though... XP

tbh, Reg, it's difficult to get good coffee... or esspresso... anywhere these days. There is an art to making good coffee... and it's even more specialized with espresso... takes a certain skill...

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some states are requiring graphic pictures on cigarette packs now... some require a skull and crossbones for poison... but I don't know a single kid who isn't going to think PIRATE! and want them even more....


Yeah.. that have added graphic pics to all our cigarettes now... Also you are hardly allowed to smoke anywhere.. typical government, high prices for smokes... getting billions of us in takes on smokes... treat you light a criminal for smoking....

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Thats cool fell, they literally melt in your mouth anyway. :)i have vanilla flavoured cupcake with strawberry icing, or chocolate chip cupcake with chocolate and mint icing. :)

Hmmm... Pat goes offline then you come straight on... I'm starting to think you are one of the same! :D

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Yeah.. that have added graphic pics to all our cigarettes now... Also you are hardly allowed to smoke anywhere.. typical government, high prices for smokes... getting billions of us in takes on smokes... treat you light a criminal for smoking....

In Maine, you pay almost as much in taxes as you do on your pack of cigarettes... You can't smoke in National Parks... can't smoke in state parks... can't smoke on college campuses... can't smoke in your car if there are minors in your vehicle... can't smoke inside unless you are in a drinking establishment that doesn't serve food (designated a Tavern)... Many events (at least in my area) have designated smoking areas... *shakes head*

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