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Hmmm...have you considered starting in the middle of that, and flashbacking? Rather than starting at the beginning, just add in bits of memories as they fit the situation. So, say he's fighting, toss in a brief little paragraph or two of weapons training in italics.

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Hmmm...have you considered starting in the middle of that, and flashbacking? Rather than starting at the beginning, just add in bits of memories as they fit the situation. So, say he's fighting, toss in a brief little paragraph or two of weapons training in italics.

I did think that, but i think whatever i try at the moment will turn out mush...baby brain!

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or conversations:

"Hey you remember that time we were at the Guild HQ and we ran into Criid?"

"Oh wow! How could I forget! it was the only time I've ever seen you that white, and I swear I smelled urine."

"Lies! I told her what we were doing there, and she nodded and let us go."

"That's not how I remember it!"


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Oh? Any hints as to that one?

Basic premise:

Alternate earth, cold war is on but instead of nuclear weapons, countries are developing superhumans. Of course, some of these supes are bored just being a deterrant and decide to use their powers for their own gain, and power...cue a rapidly screwed world...

Basically the story is set years after 'the fall' and the world is just divided into regions controlled by a supe or supes. Humans are sport to most, or worse to others.....but there is resistance, and some supes on the human side too..

and there we have the basics....

Working on characters now...plotline sort of mapped out...

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