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A friend let me borrow Red Dead Redemption and I must say the controllers are awful! The game is okish, liking the main character but the controls are ruining it.... and don't get me started on the out of control horses! :D Big boo from me! Was trying this before I spent cash on the zombie addon... I won't bother now...

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Hey everyone, how's it going?

And Regnak, you're not the only one who had a nightmare time with Kirai and Datsue-Ba. I love Kirai's model, it looks awesome, and it was insane trying to paint her...

:) Its nice to hear that someone else has suffered! :D

I think its down to the fact that I want them to stand out and be different to others out there... but having that thought translated to the paintbrush isn't going too well. If I do the smallest thing wrong I strip and start again (the models that is ;))

Well, will try again one of these days. Need to crack on with my Seamus stuff as month 2 of Tale of Painters is looming!

Oh, and how are you sir?

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*casually saunters into thread...tips hat at Steam and Orboros. Makes way over to coffee monolith, and pours a big mug*

Morning all...nice and sunny here, can feel the heat on my back through the window!

Perfect weather for some hunting...now the only decision is what...

Ressers? Gremlins? Arcanists? Choices choices...

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*notices copy of Arcanists Weekly down chair, but decides to let it slide today*

Yeah...wheres regnak when you need him? I could just do with a fun mornings hunt...

And don't worry Steam, i won't be hunting you down...Arcanists aren't my speciality..ressers are. Fell, on the other hand.....;)

Yeah, typical Guild! He talks a good fight when I'm offline! :D

Morning... well, nearly afternoon all! Today I shall be painting more on my Seamus crew and hope to have a few bits done and photos by tonight. And cause I can't resist her, will yet again attempt Kirai!

*Sneaks up and attaches a high powered magnet to Abs*

That should scramble your instruments

*Lifts the biggest wrench you have ever seen*

*little green arms tremble under the weight*

*Brings it down with a crunch*

*to his surprise Abs' armour is undamaged although a wheel falls off*

You'll never take me alive guildbot! *Runs into the swamp thinking up another plan*

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*Sneaks up and attaches a high powered magnet to Abs*

That should scramble your instruments

*Lifts the biggest wrench you have ever seen*

*little green arms tremble under the weight*

*Brings it down with a crunch*

*to his surprise Abs' armour is undamaged although a wheel falls off*

You'll never take me alive guildbot! *Runs into the swamp thinking up another plan*

Now not to rain on your parade but shouldn't you have been flung towards my armour when holding the METAL wrench....after all you did attach the magnet.

*picks up wheel, looks it over*

Strange, never needed this before....ah well

*screws it back on....picks off magnet, notices regnak forgot to switch it on*

Ahhh...explains a lot.

Now, wheres my hounds....

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Now not to rain on your parade but shouldn't you have been flung towards my armour when holding the METAL wrench....after all you did attach the magnet.

*picks up wheel, looks it over*

Strange, never needed this before....ah well

*screws it back on....picks off magnet, notices regnak forgot to switch it on*

Ahhh...explains a lot.

Now, wheres my hounds....

Well.... it was one of those SPECIAL GREMLIN magnets.... once attached it sort of turns itself off...

I'm surprised the hi-tec rubbish bin isn't aware of this technology...

So yeah, thats the explanation...

*looks left and right*

*Throws a piglet at Abs*

Now that the story is all smoothed out.. *Runs into the swamp* :D

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