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I think the southern US would suit me just fine... South West might be better (less humidity... brighter sun *looks at ghostly "tan" skin* maybe not...).


I know people complain about global warming.. and I'm sure that in some places it seems like that... but this is the coldest I've been this early in the fall in a long time. I don't usually get this cold unless it's a wet rainy fall.... If this is the fall (which isn't really Fall yet, until Friday) I dread the winter... humid winters bring lots of snow... XP

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The cycle of global warming is such that summers will be hotter, and winters will be colder. Which is backed up by the evidence of this cycle in history. I don't have a problem with the global warming stuff...I do have to say, though, that I get sick of all the scientists and politicians saying we're responsible...so how do you explain all the times this cycle's happened in the past?


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I would have to set aSonnia on fire... and I like her FAR too much to do that....

I know that it's a cycle... but I feel like the media focuses on how HOT the temp gets... not how COLD it drops. And with the humidity... -10 feels like... -15 or -20... add a windchill *shivers* (that's all in fahrenheit).

I also think it's a cycle... I think we might contribute to the extreme arc in temp, but I think it's a natural thing for the most part.

I love to paint... it's relaxing to me :) And I love to play Malifaux... so I get as invovled as humanly possible ;)

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I've played all three systems for GW, plus a handful of their old Specialist Game systems (I'd love to see support for Necromunda...namely, new models. And Mordheim! Oh how I miss you...), have since sold all of them. I've played Warmahordes and enjoyed it, but that died pretty quickly around here. I've still got my Circle army, haven't played in months. I've also played Firestorm Armada, wish that any of the other local players would ever show up, but eh. Played Star Wars Saga Edition for a couple years (one heck of a long campaign...too bad the others in it were such idiots...) and two editions of DnD. And then there's Malifaux...and Malifaux just feels like gaming home now.

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I know that it's a cycle... but I feel like the media focuses on how HOT the temp gets... not how COLD it drops. And with the humidity... -10 feels like... -15 or -20... add a windchill *shivers* (that's all in fahrenheit).

I also think it's a cycle... I think we might contribute to the extreme arc in temp, but I think it's a natural thing for the most part.

Amen to that. And I do agree that I think the past 100 years of industrialized society haven't helped the cycle...but still. Intensifying a natural occurrence is one thing. Being completely responsible for it is another.

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I was running the show.

Only TWO of my players showed up (Dr.Feelgood and Lukewarmflame). *shakes head* it was a story encounter... four rounds... they got through 3 of the rounds. It was good... I just didn't anticipate for time between rounds very well.

I also ran a demo during the last round... but they did pretty well on their own. :)

I wish there had been more players... Lukewarmflame had never played before... and she was running the Vikis. She did okay (I mean, she lost, but she played well), and she had fun... I just would have liked to have them play more people. *shrugs*

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