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Off Topic Playground

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So after another night of slamming doors and loud music this afternoon I went upstairs to confront the new tenants. A chinese woman opened the LETTERBOX and said it couldn't have been coming from her flat as she had just got home and regarding the doors banging she said again it couldn't have been her as she went to bed at 21:00. She then asked do I believe her?! I said well, how do you explain music playing from your flat and doors slamming and if you were asleep or not in? She said it must be another flat... I said well its coming from directly above me... and directly above me is you. She suggested a speak with building management as must be another flat. This whole conversation is taking place through a letterbox. She basically said she was the only one living there. The whole time she kept saying "do you believe me?" and "I'm a very quiet person" I came back downstairs to my Fiancee who said just after I went up there the music stopped. Wierd thing is we heard her talking to other people up there when supposedly she is the only one there... also we could have sworn that we heard a kids voice also...

Weird. Its now totally quiet up there now.

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This grease is horrible, Hatchet why are looking at me like that, NO HATCHET BAD HATCHET

*Runs away.*

*all pretense of civility vanishes*

*spits out his pipe, drops his cane and lumbers after Chocobo, remarkably fast for his size*

*working up a sweat, the pencil thin mustache begins to peel away*

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*giggles, clicks her fingers and a glass of cinzano and lemonade appears in her hand* mmmm thats better! ooh Regnak, always a pleasure. :)

*Opens a beer using one of Hayzel's horns to pop the cap*

*Hands Hayzel some special Neverborn brew made from the blood of a hundred guild guards and filtered threw a PeaceKeeper*

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