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Amos, if you mean me I have been open about being male :) lol

Okay Princess and Amos, story time!

Once upon a time there was this kindly troll that cared deeply for his family and worked very hard to keep food on the table and clothes on their backs. He paid his bills on time and never once got into trouble. He tried so hard to provide for his family that he started working the night shift at his factory to earn even more money.

At his factory were 7 brothers, all of them goats and they were bullies. they would tease the poor troll for being slow at moving around and call him fat and ugly. he would never fight back and take it in his stride. When they found out he was working nights and they were still on days they decided to take their bullying to the next level and would take turned walking over the cobble stone bridge he and his family lived under. They would keep him awake most of the day and leave him very tired for work.

The weeks passed and the poor troll got so exhausted he started to fall asleep at work and when he was caught sleeping he was fired!

The poor troll 9thanks to the economy) couldn't find any more work and resorted to living on benefits, but that wasn't enough when he had 18 mouths to feed (he had a lot of kids) and started to think up a plan. All thewhile the Goats continued to taunt and tease him over his turn for the worse, which of course was all their fault.

In the end he'd had enough and thought that maybe, just maybe the Goats could feed his family (heheh).

So, once day he waited in the bushes at the end of the bride and as the first Goat came along he jumped out and hit it over the head with ah big stone, killing it dead. he hid the bodyand went back to hiding. Six more times he repeated his plan and all the Goats were dead and he had enough to feed his starving family for a while. he did feel sorry that he had to resort to the low level he had, but he'd had no other choice.

Days went by and his family ate well and he got a phone call from the factory he used to work at. He was told the Goats had gone missing and that he was needed back desperately with a promotion and a pay rise.

The Troll and his family were very happy and the nice Troll was never bullied at work again now he was management.

And they all lived happily ever after... except those nasty evil Goats who got what they deserved :P

Hope you enjoyed your story :)

Edited by LonelyPath
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*slaps you* SNAP OUTTA IT DUDE!

Just finished writing it up. Sorry, listbuilding is my favourite aspect of wargaming, and it's something I'm good at. This isn't going to be too hard to do, either, and lots of fun conversions.

I hate it all, but there's a lot of love there, too. I just wish I could sell off all my old stuff. The game is like a high-maintenece girl who doesn't really love you back but still puts out and that your parents don't hate.

Does that make sense?

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Just finished writing it up. Sorry, listbuilding is my favourite aspect of wargaming, and it's something I'm good at. This isn't going to be too hard to do, either, and lots of fun conversions.

I hate it all, but there's a lot of love there, too. I just wish I could sell off all my old stuff. The game is like a high-maintenece girl who doesn't really love you back but still puts out and that your parents don't hate.

Does that make sense?

*nods* Ohh too well!

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