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Woohoo! Kindred spirit.

I'm an Arcanist fan currently. But I'm being drawn to the Neverborn as part of the "Tale of..." party. I couldn't resist them for long.

Yay!!! I shall have yet another minion! *pats SteamHammer*

Hey Sketch! Would you kindly give these eyes to Coppy for me *hands Sketch the eyes* I think he would like them. :)

What do you think of "Jeffery" for the name of my hamster?

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Exploding heads... Folk on fire... Hamsters?

It must be Wednesday.

Its Wednesday? Crap...where did Tuesday go?

*wanders in covered in dust, sweat, blood, and tears*

Evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil

*wanders out the other side of the thread*

heh, been having fun then KArn? or is this your addition to the Hamster conversation? ;)

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*shocked* Karn!!! *runs off after him*

*Catches Hayzel as she jumps at him*

Just tired and dusty XD

Working from home and trying to switch out the old computer with the new one. Suckers are freaking heavy... the new one is a bit over 45lbs and to big to fit under the old table O.o damn cross bar.

So cleaned just about EVERYTHING in the room, washed down the table and prepped most everything. But now I need a new desk.....

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