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Oooh I like hugs....I'm fine too princess, just a bit tired from all the new baby stuff!

As for what am i working on at the moment...nothing...still seem to be hoarding Malifaux minis but not actually playing lol!

And i've finished the stories so not trying to write them...

Guess I'm just chilling...what about you? Still painting and playing?

Yeh painting not so much, but i have just got the collodi box set and i must say i am in LOVE.

Played him and felt that even though i dont understand his rules 100% i am getting the swing of things as they say. :-)

I haven't written anything for a long while. Just too tired with the new (ish) job.

Cannot WAIT for the puppet wars to come out, ive already got a place ready for it... (my bed) :D

Have you got Nekima yet? I must say, she is a BEAST! :D

Just trying to get a friend of mine to start playing malifaux, hes liking the arcanists. (darn him!) but I think it would be good for him at the beginning... will persuade him that Neverborns are the way forward, especially if he doesnt want to DIE!

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Lol, not everyone has to be Neverborn princess! After all, you'd have no-one to fight if we all turned to the dark side lol!

I was almost tempted by the collodi boxset but thankfully the desire to spend lots of money passed me by!

And yes, i do have Nekima but she is still packed away in her box for when I eventually have the time to build her....so I assume you have her? And built?

That sweet was nice...got any green ones?


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#walks into thread#

Morning chocobo, looking good....;)

So, now the Zoraida avatar art is out...dang I had heard rumours about her being a bit tasty, but the artwork is sweet! And if the model is half as nice, I may be tempted to start yet another master...

I hate you sometimes Wyrd.....


Morning black, I think the medicine will wear out soon.

Might have some fun with it first :D

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LMAO!! Chocobo! tut tut tut... heres a nice dress for you :-) and can i do your hair???

Abs, of course you can have a green one, and you are right! I gotta have someone to maim or harm otherwise it would be sooooooo dull... unless... i have lots of lelu's and life would be goooooood! :D

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Heh, You can have the Lelu's...I'll stick to the lilitus if that's ok!

Doesn't chocobo look sweet in his new dress? And well done on the hair princess, though it was a bold move choosing green as the colour!

KArn should be here soon....

Jealous AB's :D

Not fussed on the lelu, the Lilitus are much more fun!

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lmfao, you guys are brilliant. :D Hey Munky!

Abs, I think I should do your hair now... what's left of it. :D

oi! i have a fine head of hair...and if you must, i'd like guild red please!

*hands Karn a coffee* there you go master... the bacon and egg muffin is currently being cooked... *looks at Abs*

no cooking the eggs!

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