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One thing annoys me about QI:


They beep over swear words, especially fuck. I don't get the concept. Why would you do that?

It's because it was broadcasted before the watershed time, after watershed you can fuck as much as you like :D

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It's because it was broadcasted before the watershed time, after watershed you can fuck as much as you like :D


Watershed? That's what we call the Main. Also called the Weißwurst equator.


I still don't get it, by the way.

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Watershed? That's what we call the Main. Also called the Weißwurst equator.


I still don't get it, by the way.




Some broadcast channels have their view time divided between "Child" and "Adult" so it's easier for parents to watch the television and not expect something they wouldn't want to show to their kids. I think they refer to that time.

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Watershed? That's what we call the Main. Also called the Weißwurst equator.


I still don't get it, by the way.

White Sausage Equator? 


Its a Broadcasting thing in England, no idea why that name but before 21:00 anything considered to be "unsuitable for minors" cannot be aired, or requires censorship

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White Sausage Equator? 


Yes. If you don't get it, I won't explain it.


Its a Broadcasting thing in England, no idea why that name but before 21:00 anything considered to be "unsuitable for minors" cannot be aired, or requires censorship


Oh, we have that too. Under 16 before 20:00, under 18 before 22:00, free from 22:00.


But I don't get beeping over swear words. A. What's so bad about swear words? and B. Won't the kids know regardless? Also, why does a programme run before said watershed if there's swearing involved?

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Yes. If you don't get it, I won't explain it.



Oh, we have that too. Under 16 before 20:00, under 18 before 22:00, free from 22:00.


But I don't get beeping over swear words. A. What's so bad about swear words? and B. Won't the kids know regardless? Also, why does a programme run before said watershed if there's swearing involved?


I get the term just wasn't sure if I had translated it correctly. Border of Bavaria 


QI, was filmed for the BBC to run after the Watershed although it was also shown on repeat at an earlier time and to avoid complaints from Offcom the swear words were censored, I agree it's stupid as I'm sure that "Little Timmy" knows a lot worse then Fuck from the School Playground but them's the rules

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Stupid rules. It's a cultural thing, I imagine. I hear the Dutch swear quite nastily.


And yes, the term means the border of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. It's also the expression of the Bavarians being pretty different from the rest of the Germans. They are very proud of it, although the differences are quite silly.

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You get to hear quite a number of diseases ;)


It does look like they try to reign in swearing during television though, but they don't beep things out, so that is a plus.

Very true, that and genitalia. My favourite has got to be "Gah je hondje neuken" (may have spelt that wrong) sounds great to my English ears

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Very true, that and genitalia. My favourite has got to be "Gah je hondje neuken" (may have spelt that wrong) sounds great to my English ears


Female genitalia, for a change ;)


that translates to "Go fuck your little dog" ;)


Ahahahahahaha! That's great.

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Female genitalia, for a change ;)


that translates to "Go fuck your little dog" ;)

Thee was another one, Boekkel (Rams Dick?), this is what I mean about Amsterdam, been so many times I just find locals to chat with and teach me swear words while my friends run about the place getting stoned/drunk/spaced out on shrooms and generally make a nuisance of themselves

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Thee was another one, Boekkel (Rams Dick?), this is what I mean about Amsterdam, been so many times I just find locals to chat with and teach me swear words while my friends run about the place getting stoned/drunk/spaced out on shrooms and generally make a nuisance of themselves


Boekkel must be some dialect then :/

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That and Children's Rhymes/Poems, very useful for learning languages.


Er zaten zeven kikkertjes al in een boerensloot.

De sloot was toegevroren, de kikkertjes half dood.

Ze kwekten niet, ze kwaakten niet,

van honger en verdriet.

Ze kwekten niet, ze kwaakten niet,

van honger en verdriet.

De jongste, die een wijsneus was, zei tot zijn kameraads,

Die malle nachtegalen, wat hebben die een praats,

Was eerst het ijs maar in de dooi,

wij zongen eens zo mooi.

Was eerst het ijs maar in de dooi,

wij zongen eens zo mooi.

Maar toen de lieve lente kwam, zij kwaakten de oude wijs.

Als zij dat zingen noemen, wens ik ze weer in 't ijs.

Ik geef die kikkers allemaal,

voor ene nachtegaal.

Ik geef die kikkers allemaal,

voor ene nachtegaal.




There were already seven frogs in a farm ditch.
The ditch was frozen over, the frogs half dead.
They babbled not, they did not croak,
hunger and grief.
They babbled not, , they did not croak,
hunger and grief.
The youngest, who was a whiz, said to his comrades,
Those silly nightingales, which are all talk,
First wash the ice but in the thaw,
we sang once so beautiful.
First wash the ice but in the thaw,
we sang once so beautiful.
But when the sweet spring came, she croaked the old wise.
If they call that singing, I wish them in the ice.
I give all those frogs,
for one nightingale.
I give all those frogs,
for one nightingale.



Wouldn't Ram's Dick be a pretty good nick name for a Guild player?





Why did I write that?




zFiend is rubbing off you! :D

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