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It is an interesting question.


I will look forward to hearing the answer.. 


@ Deluge... I don't know about your experience but when I was taught about these things it was done so in a non glorious way.  The teaching actually focused on the horrors of both wars committed by all involved.  Not once were the german people depicted as evil, or for that matter the UK etc depicted as good.  The only 'organisations' where they were demonised were the Nazis and Hitler himself. 


It will be interesting to hear a German viewpoint.

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That is a really interesting question that I'll be happy to discuss... sadly, I'm off to said counselling. I'll come back to this later, if you'll kindly remind me. Thanks for asking.

Not a problem, I'll prompt you later

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It is an interesting question.


I will look forward to hearing the answer.. 


@ Deluge... I don't know about your experience but when I was taught about these things it was done so in a non glorious way.  The teaching actually focused on the horrors of both wars committed by all involved.  Not once were the german people depicted as evil, or for that matter the UK etc depicted as good.  The only 'organisations' where they were demonised were the Nazis and Hitler himself. 


It will be interesting to hear a German viewpoint.


Bit similar here. War history seems to focus more on the stuff that was actually done, without glorifying or glossing over it. 

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It is an interesting question.


I will look forward to hearing the answer.. 


@ Deluge... I don't know about your experience but when I was taught about these things it was done so in a non glorious way.  The teaching actually focused on the horrors of both wars committed by all involved.  Not once were the german people depicted as evil, or for that matter the UK etc depicted as good.  The only 'organisations' where they were demonised were the Nazis and Hitler himself. 


It will be interesting to hear a German viewpoint.


I got taught in pretty much the same way but always felt that it was somewhat bias, I heard about a lot of the atrocities that took place by the Axis forces and the Soviets in WWII but not a lot about how we undertook the battles. I feel that mine was especially slanted as my History teacher was ex forces so it was always represented as the actions of the British Forces being more glorious in their undertakings

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will be heading to the LGS at lunch (will resist new malifaux purchases...though they do have a dawn serpent.  No idea if it is any good but the model is sweet), so will maybe see if I can get a sneak peek at the rules for Age of Sigmar.


Though judging by the meltdown I don't know why I am bothering!

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will be heading to the LGS at lunch (will resist new malifaux purchases...though they do have a dawn serpent.  No idea if it is any good but the model is sweet), so will maybe see if I can get a sneak peek at the rules for Age of Sigmar.


Though judging by the meltdown I don't know why I am bothering!

I have arranged a game on Saturday with those rules


Edit: What time is your lunch?

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Soooo glad I got out of GW's stuff. AoS just looks stupid. It literally is hero hammer at this point.

Corvus Belli just released some sweet, sweet models for Infinity. My wallet is hurting from that.

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I have to have one or both of those connections to think about starting the game.


For WH40k I loved the Space Marine fluff and minis..Raven guard were a no brainer.


For WHFB I loved the fluff for the dwarfs.  The minis are nice too.


For Warmachine (when I played it) I loved the fluff and EVERY mini for Protectorate of Menoth.


And for Malifaux I love the fluff, but also the new plastic minis are astounding IMO.

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I have to have one or both of those connections to think about starting the game.


For WH40k I loved the Space Marine fluff and minis..Raven guard were a no brainer.


For WHFB I loved the fluff for the dwarfs.  The minis are nice too.


For Warmachine (when I played it) I loved the fluff and EVERY mini for Protectorate of Menoth.


And for Malifaux I love the fluff, but also the new plastic minis are astounding IMO.

How you getting on with the new Chapter Tactics?

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I just played my first game of Dreadball last night, it was Sooooo fun!  I already have to rank it as my 2nd favorite minis game, with Malifaux being first.

I have seen the game but never tried. May give it a go if I can get a demo. But I'm wary of trying new games as Faux and Infinity currently take up most of my time (and budget).

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I played a team called the Zee, its a bunch of monkey clones.  And their whole thing is they are big cheaters.  So you are supposed to have six guys on the board, but I kept running additional guys on the board so I had a team of ten.  And every time I run one of my guys, I have a rule that allows me to run a different guy as well.  And when the ref catches me cheating, I get to see if I can argue my way out of it!


My guys got challenged for cheating 34 times and only got caught twice.  :D

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I've never played bloodbowl, but my husband says it is way better than bloodbowl, and it isn't just who has the best armor that is going to stomp the other team.  He said bloodbowl is boring, and dreadball is fun.

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