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For the most part, I didn't read any of the rules for Zoraida until I put her on the table. Justice was the same way. I really should find the time to sit down and think about tactics rather than just wing it and score decent on VP. Me and my stupid "play for fun, not to win" mentality. 


That mentality hasn't let me down so far.

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No offense to Mik, but the American legal system sucks. I'm convinced we only have a "jury of peers" so that judges and lawyers can escape retribution by those who are convicted. I am HARDLY the person to hold anyone else's life in the balance because my first instinct is "this person is a total stranger, therefore, let him rot" :)

2 things:

1. I agree, the legal system is a joke.

B. That's how I feel about being on a jury too.

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I feel better about my terrible rage then :)

Also, what is the best way to get out of serving on a federal jury? Keep in mind, I have to report to Newark, so I can't go too over the top.

Umm, well, you're gonna have to act like a complete asshole. Like, a HUGE one. You'll probably have to say something along the lines of "I think all [people of a certain race, pick one] are not Americans and deserve to be thrown into the ocean." Also saying you're a firm believer that anyone not of your particular sect of [insert religion] is an apostate/heretic and should be killed.

And even then it won't guarantee you being let go.

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I think eye for an eye should be the system? "oh you raped someone? Well you get raped too." "oh you beat up someone? Get beaten up" "oh you shagged a sheep? Here get shagged by a bull" shit like that.

Or simply take away the object or part you are using wrong. Rape = dong cut off. Etc.

The world would be a brutal but a just place.

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I am very much in favor of stricter punishment as deterrent. Also, if you are sentenced to the death penalty, you should have the option to participate in Roman style gladiator games, which would be televised, and admission and pay-per-view be charged. Suddenly prisons pay for themselves, and since it's volunteer basis, no one can say it's inhumane.

I fully agree to this idea.

CJ. We should take over the world. New Filth Order!

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Also I am dying at this conversion SpectreEliteGaming did on Killjoy:


That guy is an utter maniac with the dongs..


Talk about a Distracted condition.

Major Dong to ground control!

Hahahahaha why? :D :D

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This is why we can't have nice things

I have been laughing at that for hours on end.. Seriously. He has a cleaver and then he has a serious cleaver.

The jokes never end with that guy. Torn to shreds becomes a whole new trigger. :D

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