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Morning all! How is everyone today?

After the disheartening events at work yesterday for me, my evening was quite nice and refreshing, which was good, as I needed it. Hung out with a good friend for a while, and then later, I just about got my 4 SPAs finished. Just have basing work to finish up tonight. Maybe an hour total to finish them. At that point, I will have finished 10 models in the past week! Yikes! In other words...I need to do some work with my camera tonight, hahaha.

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Heya Lobo.

Glad to hear things perked up man. Congrats on the SPA's! I've gotta finish up Ryle and the Hooded Rider and I have my usual levy lists done. Well untill the Dead Rider is out >.>

Day's ok, dragging on a bit which sucks cause its not even noon yet. But oh well, busy busy as usual trying to do half a dozen things at once.

Though I am getting a good chuckle over all the wild speculation about the new smilie pics that keep popping up XD Especially on the dead Lady J. Probably less people would think the dead Lady J was an Avatar if her icon name wasn't AJustice *snickers* and people keep asking why they think it's an avatar *shakes head* reason's rather obvious ;)

Edited by karn987
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lol wyrd and there looney shenanigans !

whats up all m had some fun hooking up with a bunch of gamers and just doing some old fashioned gaming last night we had a full game of chaos in the old world on the dining room table , on a smaller table me and some others where helping a friend test out a euro game he has in development ( super awesome and fun ) . And tag team mortal combat in the living room . total blast !

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Heh, yeah, I think the Nightmare box set is about the best guess going so far on the Lady J front. Overall though, I think it's just Wyrd being....Wyrd. ;) Entertaining, at the very least. :)

I suppose.

But it's getting a bit out of hand and honestly, some people are over reacting or taking this wrong but... antognizing them? Really? *shakes head* I know your not doing it Lobo but others are.

The speculations are fun and I'm sure people will be happier when they see what it is, but the insults and taunting are just out of line.

Edited by karn987
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