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Eh, we reserve the 'filthy' title for the Ressers though.

Speaking of people with blurred boundaries though....

Abs, I see the allure of Soulstone infused power is taking you more and more by day. Soon, you will be one of us, following in Sonnia's footsteps...

Good....gggggoooooodddd... :nod: :firedevil

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Love it.....and perfectly puts across the fact you are so whipped!

*eyes AB* I am not whipped =P

@AB: Cya later though man! Drive safe and what not.

@Ratty, yeah I think I will probably cycle through them now and then... maybe if I get abitious I'll put them into a cycling gif and have each show for like 5 seconds.

@Lobo: He is turning more to the Arcanist side isn't he? Especially since he is a Steampunk Arachnid after all.

Also your throat is a little scratchy, here *gives you a cough drop* ;D

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Doh, I forgot to post that I had put up my Battle Report last night. :)


Also, very excited as I realized I only really have 4 models that I HAVE to finish for my Levi crew: Levi himself, Desolation Engine, and two SPAs. I have two additional SPAs and some Punk Zombies that could use finishing too, but I don't NEED them for the most part. Very close!

Of course, just bought Von Schill's box too, so it occurred to me that I've got about 12 models to finish before GenCon if I want to be able to play Outcasts in any tournaments. Ack!!

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Thinking about starting Cryx, Skarre (the epic one)

I've got all their Casters, and Epic Skarre is a good one. I can give you a run down of what I usually take with her but you can get the same effect from reading the Battle College article on her if you want.

@Foe: Wb man. And yup you could make a bundle off of selling something like that though the application process looks very rigorous and they are explicitly trying to stop people from doing just that.

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I've got all their Casters, and Epic Skarre is a good one. I can give you a run down of what I usually take with her but you can get the same effect from reading the Battle College article on her if you want.

@Foe: Wb man. And yup you could make a bundle off of selling something like that though the application process looks very rigorous and they are explicitly trying to stop people from doing just that.

Have you got link there

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@Lobo: Congrats on being so close yet so far XD




Yeah, having to have painted models for GenCon is a LOT of pressure, LOL. Worst part is, I'd like to enter at least SOMETHING in the painting contest, even if I'm sure I won't win, compared to what I've seen a lot of other people paint just on the forums here. I'm thinking my Levi crew may be some of my best models yet. But, in order to be in the paint competition, you have to drop them off by Friday, and can't pick 'em up until late Saturday or on Sunday. So, wouldn't be able to play Levi in the main tournament on Saturday. Argh!

Might go with my Raspy ice cube block crew instead. Theme-y and original with the ice blocks. :)

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Eh, we reserve the 'filthy' title for the Ressers though.

Speaking of people with blurred boundaries though....

Abs, I see the allure of Soulstone infused power is taking you more and more by day. Soon, you will be one of us, following in Sonnia's footsteps...

Good....gggggoooooodddd... :nod: :firedevil

Nah, still Guild through and through....Fell had Hoffman do some tinkering, so i can't be mainpulated by you Finger wagglers!

And he turned up my dampening field so don't try casting too close to me.... ;)

@Lobo: He is turning more to the Arcanist side isn't he? Especially since he is a Steampunk Arachnid after all.

I don't think of it as a steampunk Arachnid, more of portable egg armour!!

Though it does get a bit hot in here in the summer....

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*Wanders in with coffee, his monoliths coming behind him. Yawns and drops down into an over-stuffed arm-chair*

Morning everyone.

Gotta take my car into the shop, the valve on one of the tires rusted clean through. The car is a year old today! So that should not have happened, I made sure to take good care of it. Either way, Dealers Shop will have a look at it and fix most of it for free as thats a defect more then wear-and-tear or at least thats what the rep said last night.

*Sips coffee*

Apparently back to not sleeping much to. *grumbles*

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*Wanders in with coffee, his monoliths coming behind him. Yawns and drops down into an over-stuffed arm-chair*

Morning everyone.

Gotta take my car into the shop, the valve on one of the tires rusted clean through. The car is a year old today! So that should not have happened, I made sure to take good care of it. Either way, Dealers Shop will have a look at it and fix most of it for free as thats a defect more then wear-and-tear or at least thats what the rep said last night.

*Sips coffee*

Apparently back to not sleeping much to. *grumbles*

Wow, sucks about the car. though I guess it should be covered by warranty if its found to be a defect? And hopefully they will check out all the other valves too whilst they're at it!

Yeah, didn't sleep much last night either, so struggling today....

But on the positive side...Book 6, part 1 is now posted!

(I can just envisage Fell bouncing in her chair right now! ;))

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Wow, sucks about the car. though I guess it should be covered by warranty if its found to be a defect? And hopefully they will check out all the other valves too whilst they're at it!

Yeah, didn't sleep much last night either, so struggling today....

But on the positive side...Book 6, part 1 is now posted!

(I can just envisage Fell bouncing in her chair right now! ;))

Yup. I think it's still covered, it was Used/New with 700 miles on it so it had all the waranties etc. Either way its a damn shame as its going to eat up about half my day just waiting around for it. Gotta hope the tire preasure holds all the way up to the dealer, its about a good 20 - 25 miles but we will see.

Yeah... not enough sleep sucks -_- Insomnia came back fierce last night. Felt tired enough to sleep, laid down and then couldn't fall asleep. So then you start thinking and it spirals on from there. *shakes head tiredly*

Cool! I still need to read some of the others but I will get around to it!

Hows it going finding a place for the older "stories" on the mythical "cd" ?

Also hows your wife doing? Getting a little stir crazy stuck in the hospital? Hope she is doing well.

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Yup. I think it's still covered, it was Used/New with 700 miles on it so it had all the waranties etc. Either way its a damn shame as its going to eat up about half my day just waiting around for it. Gotta hope the tire preasure holds all the way up to the dealer, its about a good 20 - 25 miles but we will see.

Yeah... not enough sleep sucks -_- Insomnia came back fierce last night. Felt tired enough to sleep, laid down and then couldn't fall asleep. So then you start thinking and it spirals on from there. *shakes head tiredly*

Cool! I still need to read some of the others but I will get around to it!

Hows it going finding a place for the older "stories" on the mythical "cd" ?

Also hows your wife doing? Getting a little stir crazy stuck in the hospital? Hope she is doing well.

@CD: I found a few more scattered around but I don't know where I have put the CD now!! I am still looking into free hosting sites to post them, but obviously most of the ones that allow the things I want to post charge!!

She's doing fine, a little tired now as the ward is just so busy and noisy all the time but theres less than a week to go now so I'm sure she will cope that little bit longer! Then we will have to cope with something else entirely!!

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@CD: I found a few more scattered around but I don't know where I have put the CD now!! I am still looking into free hosting sites to post them, but obviously most of the ones that allow the things I want to post charge!!

She's doing fine, a little tired now as the ward is just so busy and noisy all the time but theres less than a week to go now so I'm sure she will cope that little bit longer! Then we will have to cope with something else entirely!!

Heh no rush man ;) Just wanted to ruffle your feathers a bit about it..... why do you have feathers by the way?

Good to hear she is doing fine! Yes, only a bit longer and then it's a whole different set of challenges. But I'm sure you will do fine with that, probably already have a little suite of copper armor ready for the little one huh? :)

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Heh no rush man ;) Just wanted to ruffle your feathers a bit about it..... why do you have feathers by the way?

Good to hear she is doing fine! Yes, only a bit longer and then it's a whole different set of challenges. But I'm sure you will do fine with that, probably already have a little suite of copper armor ready for the little one huh? :)

Working on the armour right now......

They're not my feathers, chocobo must have left them lying around again!

So I assume you aren't at work? or did you drop the car off and then go to work?

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Working on the armour right now......

They're not my feathers, chocobo must have left them lying around again!

So I assume you aren't at work? or did you drop the car off and then go to work?

Working from home actually. Nice and bummer thing about working in Software, just take the Labtop home with you and you can work from home! It also means I very rarely take an actual sick day as I can still physically work.

*snickers* At least there is no Tar on you man, then you could really be feathery.

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Working from home actually. Nice and bummer thing about working in Software, just take the Labtop home with you and you can work from home! It also means I very rarely take an actual sick day as I can still physically work.

*snickers* At least there is no Tar on you man, then you could really be feathery.

Don't get any ideas....

#glares at KArn#

Wheres Fell today?

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