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@Karn: fun fun

@Puns: <groan>

@Abs: you have a sword, do something! And the answer is Yes.

*snickers and leans against Fells head*

I only did one pun today! *stuffs the others from yesterday under the carpet*

@Foe: Nice entrance man! The dogs following you really add to the whole image of it. But are you sure... *stops as you down the drink, shudders slightly*

So hows the new Puppy Foe? Still cute and cuddly? No devoured furnature or shoes yet?

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@AB: Sorry I don't think I can man heh, range is to far for me. Plus it's not a bad day here, to humid for my liking but sunny :)

@Karn: awww cute Puppy :)

Thats good of her! My new Puppy doesn't want to listen >.> he keeps going back to chew on my sandals. *grumbles*

*throws head back and laughs*

Today is the last day of school... which is good and bad... Good because I need a break... bad 'cause I need the money *hangs head* Oh swell! Adventures to plan!!! :D

*Eyes the laughing Fell with suspicion*

Cracking on us Fell?

Good about the break, lame about the money. I do kinda wish they gave teachers and really the school staff in general some amount of pay over the summer even if it wasn't all that much.

*jumps onto Fell's head* Adventures can certainly be exciting :D Just don't forget your trusty towel and your compass. Hmmm... and probably a flask or two of Rum *nods*

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teachers in Maine can chose to make less each week of the school year so they can get checks through the summer... I wish I could do that, seeing as I'm sallary, but they wont let me... 'cause I'm on a one year contract. I have to sign a new contract each school year...

Ahhh that's the rub :/

Though that's not a bad idea for the Teachers though, helps them get through the summer along with any other work they can pick up. I trust they get paid if they teach Summer School or the like?

@Chocobo: Morning man, don't see you up this early that often.

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Teachers here start with around 45k than go up depending on masters or doctrine degree . There are older teachers who make about 90k per year . And they always hold rally's about pay .

I feel there pay is pretty good , since they work 180 days out of the year . I don't know how that scales with the rest of the country .

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Hi Chocobo!

Hi Fell

Ahhh that's the rub :/

Though that's not a bad idea for the Teachers though, helps them get through the summer along with any other work they can pick up. I trust they get paid if they teach Summer School or the like?

@Chocobo: Morning man, don't see you up this early that often.

Na, just finished job hunting quicker that's all

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guild hounds are coming soon ! ... Iam going to have to find a german shepard model though and greenstuff some guild armor on it , to add to the mix .:bigthumb:

Ha! yeah that's kind of a requirement now isn't it XD

Teachers here start with around 45k than go up depending on masters or doctrine degree . There are older teachers who make about 90k per year . And they always hold rally's about pay .

I feel there pay is pretty good , since they work 180 days out of the year . I don't know how that scales with the rest of the country .

Wow... I'm not exactly sure how much they get around here, but that sounds decent at least. Though honestly I do think new teachers etc should be making more. If an intro level software person can expect to make about 50k, the teacher should at least make that much. They probably have the more difficult job after-all.

It's an important and difficult job, it should at least be worth them being paid enough to live off of comfortably. Though depending on the part of the country your in, that could be enough.

@Chocobo: Ahhh cool. Any bites or any luck?

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erm... I'm sure there are teachers who make quite a bit... but I think your low is our mid to high (cost of living, don't ya know)... I work a full time job... I also work a part time job... and this year, between the two... I claimed less than 22,000... If I were to stop working at Sunglass Hut, I would qualify for all sorts of benefits... because I am so far in (college) debt, and I would be below the national (and state) poverty lines... I am so grateful that I have a job... but I can't survive on this job. I can't even move out of my parents' house... because I make so little and owe so much... *shrugs*

I guess I just find it interesting that I deal with societies children every day (the future of our nation *shivers at the thought*) and I don't make enough to live off of, and there are people who are only moderately good at (sports, acting, singing, etc) who make 10 times more than I do...

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erm... I'm sure there are teachers who make quite a bit... but I think your low is our mid to high (cost of living, don't ya know)... I work a full time job... I also work a part time job... and this year, between the two... I claimed less than 22,000... If I were to stop working at Sunglass Hut, I would qualify for all sorts of benefits... because I am so far in (college) debt, and I would be below the national (and state) poverty lines... I am so grateful that I have a job... but I can't survive on this job. I can't even move out of my parents' house... because I make so little and owe so much... *shrugs*

I guess I just find it interesting that I deal with societies children every day (the future of our nation *shivers at the thought*) and I don't make enough to live off of, and there are people who are only moderately good at (sports, acting, singing, etc) who make 10 times more than I do...

*Shakes head and sighs* Truthfully I hate this ugly fact of this country and the way we have things set up. It feels like a true disgrace to me and it's shameful I think. Teaching is one of the most important professions and yet we treat them terribly. *throws hands up* It's frustrating, especially when you hear slack jawed politicians run their mouth about cuts to Education. *growls slightly and shakes head*

In my town our HS is old and really in desperate need of major repairs. It is also simply to small for a HS any more... we have 2 middle schools that are the same size as it that funnel students into 1 HS... yet the town voted down the plan to build a new HS 3 times. I remember being in classes of 28 - 34 kids and just wondering how they were going to handle things in a few years.

I've got 2 good friends who are trying to get into teaching in town (1 has a Sub Teacher job at least, the other is SOL) and my Father is trying to get out of Admin and get into teaching History. *Shakes head again* It gets my blood boiling just thinking about it.

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