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First off, hello to all of you that have been showing up sporadically lately. Don't be strangers, and I hope my long-windedness isn't putting you off (I'm trying hard to keep it brief, for reals, yo).


Hopefully the transmission repair isn't too brutal, Monkey.


I completed Negima and Serial Experiments: Lain. I have heard the former is good but fanservice-y, and the latter I've only seen the first volume so I want to see the rest for sure. I think I'm only missing one volume of Samurai 7 as well (after watching Kaze no Yojimbo, I'm always intrigued by Kurosawa reinterpretations). Some of my favorite anime series come off like they were written by dour European scriptwriters.


Looks like a big Kings of War day coming up on Saturday, and I might try to see if I can sucker, er, persuade anyone into trying Wrath of Kings as well. The Teknes minis are a bit less cooperative overall than the Goritsi were, but they are still not too bad. Except the Zalaak. Even once you figure out the right order to assemble it, that thing is a bit of a pain. Still beats trying to pin insanely tiny metal arms.

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So two shorter posts are better than one really long one, right? ;)


I'm glad our newer Henchman has taken over promoting Malifaux. Despite continuing to buy miniatures and rulebooks for M2E, my heart just hasn't been in it. Between the easy fix of simpler games like Kings of War, the memories of 1.x I can't seem to stop projecting onto M2E (3+ hour games and all of the attempts to demo that utterly backfired), and the notion that it's easier to play Kings of War et. al. "part time", I think I just haven't had much interest in anything more complex, even though M2E is much easier to handle than 1.x was. I will probably come back to it eventually.


I've given up on Netrunner, at least as something to play against strangers, despite it being very good. The meta changes even more rapidly than in a CCG, and as such it requires way too much time and effort to be more than a functional opponent.

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Thanks, Abs. I like coming here- it keeps me from just giving up on hobby stuff out of laziness.


One model for anyone who likes Warmachine-style steampunky models in the Wrath of Kings line is The Mighty Taur (link goes to the original sculpt at the sculptor's blog).


He's pretty big- about the size of a smaller Warjack. He'll be in a set with two other appropriately steampunk-ish minis, I think. Very cool figure, and my girlfriend managed to get him put together so he's not too difficult. Three of her female Linemen have messed up arm pins so they look like their rotator cuffs are mechanical.


There's a compliment for GW- instructions for everything. Every miniatures company that has figures with more than 2 pieces should have instructions of some kind.

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Took me a long time to understand that their rather chunky sculpting style isn't just for a particular look- big, beefy parts mean much easier assembly. I assume that the plastic Necrotic Machine is far easier to assemble than the metal one (that I still haven't put together) is?

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Lord I hope so, Dust. The metal Necrotic Machine makes some of the old metal Warjacks look positively simple to assemble, lol. I remember buying it, opening the clamshell and just going '...nope' and closing it back up, lol. Don't currently know where it is, but I do know it's not built... And yes, I definitely have to give GW full props for their assembly instructions, I would have killed for some GW quality ones when working on my Robotech stuff. Still haven't assembled most of my Battloids because I can't figure out how to arrange any of the arms when they're both holding the gun!

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Ack, sorry for the lack of reply, been bouncing around a bit at work. What'd you get painted for the pigs? The TTB hardcover is gorgeous. Content is the same, but higher quality paper and six different colored ribbons to mark pages with. And the binding seems to be very solid. I'm very pleased with it. And my weekend was good, although I'm not a fan of the snowstorm today, lol. Made the drive in a mess. Had a date on Saturday that went really well, and there's even talk of a second one, lol.

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