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You don't like Orclings that breathe fire, Monkey? :P


The Black Friday sale at Miniature Market is not as awesome as previous years. Still, some good deals (Hordes High Command for $12? Yes please).


EDIT: ...or not. Apparently the site is behaving worse than last year, despite an increase in bandwidth.

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Well, that's my nest egg spent!  to be fair I had put it aside for Black Friday Malifaux goodness.


I managed to creep over the $300 mark so will get all the 4 special models (hopefully!).  Will have a use for all of them apart from the sniper..that can be offloaded later!


For those who are interested I got:


C Hoffman crew

Kirai Crew

TTB Female Kit

TTB Male Kit


Hog Whisperer




Merris Lacroix


I've gone green for xmas lol!

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Yeah, the time off was really what I needed. I stayed home all Black Friday, lol. Never see a point to leaving the house on Black Friday, nothing's worth that mess. Actually spent Friday listening to some lectures and cleaning the bedroom. I had a good five minutes where you could see every inch of the desk! And then I started painting again, lol.

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I've got a Minuteman about 75% painted, and a Gun Mage Solo has the trenchcoat finished. Got derailed a little trying to figure out how I want to base the Cygnar. The new alt. Battlebox with Nemo has me looking at Cygnar again, lol. I like Caine better than Nemo, but Nemo getting the Centurion and the Defender for his jacks I like a lot better than Caine with a Defender and a Hammersmith. I'm still baffled by the Hammersmith choice...

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How was the Deadzone game? And honestly, I probably will be grabbing the Cygnar alt box at some point this month. $50 for two heavies and Nemo is a great deal. I'd be doing the Retribution one, but I'm not sure how much more I want to expand them for now. We haven't gone above 25 points and I've got that with variations for my Ret right now.

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