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I don't know whether it is Star wars day in this thread, we just started off in that vein! I blame Chocobo!

But what the hell, we can roll with it!

#rummages in bag, finds old lightsaber and switches on. Nothing happens#

Hmmmm....battery must be flat.

#gives it a shake. Beam shoots out almost singeing KArn's tail#


Edited by Absolution Black
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*smacks Karn off balance, watches as he falls in the mud* I would be Leia, and we will have none of those running around here *uses her latent Force powers to disasseble the lightsaber* These are dangerous.... but not as dangerous as an Omega level mutant *starts to float a little, hair turns golden red*

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@Abs: yes they are the "sandstorm people".... I like to get my heart pumping early in the morning... <.< ... >.>.... PERVS! >.<

I liked Sandstorm, and another one they did not long after that I can't remember the name of! I haven't heard of much of their stuff.

I do like a bit of dance music from time to time, though I do tend to put Faith No More on if I want to get pumped up!

I prefer rockier stuff to get the heart racing, though the prodigy can also be good!

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*smacks Karn off balance, watches as he falls in the mud* I would be Leia, and we will have none of those running around here *uses her latent Force powers to disasseble the lightsaber* These are dangerous.... but not as dangerous as an Omega level mutant *starts to float a little, hair turns golden red*

heh. That's one muddy Neph....

#Looks at disassembled lightsaber in hand#

Awww....I was enjoying that.

#looks at fell#

Wha? Are you ok? You seem to be erm..... floating?

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*smacks Karn off balance, watches as he falls in the mud* I would be Leia, and we will have none of those running around here *uses her latent Force powers to disasseble the lightsaber* These are dangerous.... but not as dangerous as an Omega level mutant *starts to float a little, hair turns golden red*

*Rolls and comes to his feat, blocking the force use on his Light saber and twirling it once*

Your strong with the force... but you lack training!

*Pulls back his left hand before hurling Force Lighting at you*

Bah! Your just the Movie Phoenix, your a shadow of the real one!

*Twists the force lighting in the air and follows it up with a Force Blast from the side*

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We had a couple of really good storms last night at the GS...

Hiya Abs! How are you? I'm doing very well this morning, in spite of staying up WAY too late and sleeping through my alarm :D Had a good game of Malifaux last night(25ss Box Tina crew vs custom Guild crew). Have Blueberry coffee this morning... listened to Darude on my way into work... kinda feel........... chipper :D

Hiya Karn!! Yes, there was a memo... everyone was supposed to be in at 530 this morning... *narrows eyes* you're late! XD

Hi Chocobo!

*waves hand at potential guests on the forum today* This IS the forum you are looking for

Hi Fell

I don't know whether it is Star wars day in this thread, we just started off in that vein! I blame Chocobo!

But what the hell, we can roll with it!

#rummages in bag, finds old lightsaber and switches on. Nothing happens#

Hmmmm....battery must be flat.

#gives it a shake. Beam shoots out almost singeing KArn's tail#


I blame infamous, for being the only decent game on the PS3 where I can force lightening people. I want an x-box just to play Knight of the republic

*smacks Karn off balance, watches as he falls in the mud* I would be Leia, and we will have none of those running around here *uses her latent Force powers to disasseble the lightsaber* These are dangerous.... but not as dangerous as an Omega level mutant *starts to float a little, hair turns golden red*

OMG she turned super Saiyan

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*Rolls and comes to his feat, blocking the force use on his Light saber and twirling it once*

Your strong with the force... but you lack training!

*Pulls back his left hand before hurling Force Lighting at you*

Bah! Your just the Movie Phoenix, your a shadow of the real one!

*Twists the force lighting in the air and follows it up with a Force Blast from the side*

I hate what last stand did to juggernaut :'(

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*voice echos through you with the power of the Pheonix* WE ARE NOT AMUSED *allows force lightening to hit her, she absorbs it, punches through your force sheild, lifts you up, wrapping you in telekinetic bonds, forcing your muscles to relax, making you drop the lightsaber*

*Struggles in the bond before letting himself go relaxed. Grins suddenly and Transpositions himself with AB, spinning in mid air as he appears and delivering a Force enhanced heel kick to Fell's mid section*

Not going down that easily! Sure you have Telekinetic powers but so do I!

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*causes all your muscles to stop functioning... ALL of them; you feel your temperature start to fluctuate madly between Hot and Cold*


Alright alright! You win!

*Force barriers himself and forces control back to his body before shaking his limbs*

Eeesh wow.... getting a little excite there huh Fell?

@Techo: Ohhh that was pretty good. I'll have to save that for later today! Got a bit coding session blocked out and Techno is great for it.

@Durade: Oh and Sandstorm is definitely one of my all time favorite punk songs. I used to play this while in the dressing room before a game and even now I put it on when I'm in an intense mood. *Energetic and Dramatic coding ensues*

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Ecstasy is one of my favorite songs by Darude... If you like Techno you should check out USE (United States of Electronica). I saw them Live in Seattle *fans self* the opened for PUSA :D

*Hops onto your shoulder again, putting away Lightsaber and cloak and pulling out a fan and begins to fan*

Well we can see what gets your engine going then ;)

But yeah, took me untill you sent that video to remember who Darude is (terrible with names after all). I love a ton of their stuff, Sandstorm just happens to be my favorite of them. But Ecstasy is pretty dang good to.

USE? Alright Ill look them up, any recommended songs?

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