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Yeah, Warstore says Lucius is November 14th, Hoffman is December. I believe you can get Guild Guard as a pair right now though... granted, that might have been Gencon.

Might have  a look around towards payday then.


I really need to hold back on my min buying again though lol, but at least I am managing to get some games in now though..


Going to make a new years resolution to restrict myself to the following for the whole of 2015.


Warhammer:   Dwarfs, Nurgle

WH40k:  Orks

Warmachine:  Protectorate of Menoth

Hordes:  Trollbloods

Malifaux:  Oodles of stuff lol!

Relic knights:  If I can get a game!


Actually looking at that, it should be plenty to see me through the year.  I have virtually all I want/need for Warhammer Fantasy Dwarfs, 40K and Warmachine.

I have Relic knights stuff.  And Malifaux stuff will just be the releases I want each month.


So the main layouts I can see will be my mono Nurgle army and Trollbloods.


Hopefully a cheaper year then...:)

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