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Ah, more like a Visual Novel then. Not necessarily a bad thing, all sorts of different kinds of games. I've never played any, but they usually tend to sound interesting enough. I've read a few of the TV Tropes pages about them. Any plans for the weekend coming up?

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I've still got to think of how I will eventually paint my raspy crew...


Was thinking the traditional whites and pale blues etc.  I guess I will have to paint them soon otherwise they will end up in Lily's toybox!


She already calls the Golem Marshmallow, rasputina is Elsa, and the Gamins are 'little olafs'!!


But it is a testament to wyrd plastics and whoever built them that despite all the handling (getting them on and off the workbench) she gives them, they are still intact and on their bases!

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Ready for it to be this time tomorrow..... Did manage to get a ticket to a Warmachine tournament. 40 spaces sold out in three and a half hours.


Good luck. Clearly, Warmachine is popular in your neck of the woods :huh:


It really, really is. Thanks for the recommendation of stuff to try, Dust, I'm sure I'll give it a shot eventually. Part of the problem is finding a group of people I'm comfortable being around with something that affects the brain, lol.


If we're both at Gencon 2015 (we might not go because we want to go to Origins, having never gone before), I'll gladly buy you a drink. I used to be the same way about alcohol- luckily my college friends were snobs about it, so I got to try the good stuff first and I learned to savor it. If my first couple of drinking experiences were with Milwaukee's Be(a)st and Budweiser, I'd probably still be a non-drinker.


Your dedication to replying to this thread really is a thing of beauty Dust :D


...Or a compulsion :P I am the only one on during first shift in the States, so I try to keep up.


Boring, but making it through alive and sane. Having fun speculating what will be in the new expansion of High Command next month. All I'm positive on is that it won't be the Colossals, and Cyriss is getting a warcaster no one knows anything about. Beyond that, trying to figure out some plot stuff for one freelance project and a villain for a different one.


Good luck with the freelance writing. I keep hearing nothing but good about High Command (especially the mechanics they put in to reduce the effects of a bad starting draw). I'll probably have to cave and buy it sometime. Can you use Warmachine and Hordes High Command decks in the same game?


I need to do more with my Snow Storm. Right now it's got electric blue hair :lol:


I'm still pondering switching some or most of my crews to plastic. I've already decided no on Rasputina and probably not on the Ortegas, but I don't know about the rest. I might get the new Death Marshals and use the new Lady Justice as a proxy for Walks Looking in Wild West Exodus since I don't know if I will ever get that model fixed.


The whole Goth-lite "popsicle creeps" theme I have for 'Tina's crew wouldn't work as well with her new sculpt or the new Ice Golem. Even though the original Perdita is closer to Sin City than actual cowboy attire, the other members of the crew have a subdued quality that I like.


Are you guys switching, staying with metal, or picking and choosing?

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