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*Wanders in with a glass of OJ looking tired, yawns*

Morning all.

Last night was one of those nights where I had every intention of going to bed at 11, but the heat kept me awake so I started reading and soon I notices its nearly 1am... oops >.>

Any way, good to hear about the Fever AB! You sir get 100xp for defeating the Fever!


Hows everyone doing?

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Oooh she looks such a nice girl! You must introduce us sometime! ;)

Sure, but don't kiss her, she has tentical's in her mouth intstead of a tounge and she might try eat your face or your tounge

and don't touch her from the chest (she's covered in mind control tar

and don't go to her place it's knee high in mind conrtol tar

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*Wanders in with a glass of OJ looking tired, yawns*

Morning all.

Last night was one of those nights where I had every intention of going to bed at 11, but the heat kept me awake so I started reading and soon I notices its nearly 1am... oops >.>

Any way, good to hear about the Fever AB! You sir get 100xp for defeating the Fever!


Hows everyone doing?

Morning, Lightening stuff, not much

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*Wanders in with a glass of OJ looking tired, yawns*

Morning all.

Last night was one of those nights where I had every intention of going to bed at 11, but the heat kept me awake so I started reading and soon I notices its nearly 1am... oops >.>

Any way, good to hear about the Fever AB! You sir get 100xp for defeating the Fever!


Hows everyone doing?

OO..a tired Nephilim today then...hopefully that means less mischief! ;)

Yup, fever gone, feeling lots better...it takes a lot to stop a Guild officer in their tracks!

Sure, but don't kiss her, she has tentical's in her mouth intstead of a tounge and she might try eat your face or your tounge

and don't touch her from the chest (she's covered in mind control tar

and don't go to her place it's knee high in mind conrtol tar

ok. Maybe hold off on the introduction then. ;)

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Sure, but don't kiss her, she has tentical's in her mouth intstead of a tounge and she might try eat your face or your tounge

and don't touch her from the chest (she's covered in mind control tar

and don't go to her place it's knee high in mind conrtol tar

*Blinks* What the......

*Shivers slightly and eyes Chocobo*

Lightning huh? Always fun *grins*

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OO..a tired Nephilim today then...hopefully that means less mischief! ;)

Yup, fever gone, feeling lots better...it takes a lot to stop a Guild officer in their tracks!

ok. Maybe hold off on the introduction then. ;)

Yeh's she' crazy, but an awesome villian/somthing i hear she helps you near the end of the game

Don't get any ideas...you've already 'learnt' the fire trick, we don't you getting any other stuff...

Finger waggler! ;)

Force Lightening is neverborn thing

Now give in to your Anger


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*Grins and shrugs, taking off the helmet*

Chocobo is right.... give into your anger... well not your anger really, just the darker influeces of Malifaux.

*Snickers and hops up on a Monolith*

Any way, Time for Work!

*Drives off on the Monolith to return in a bit*

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*Grins and shrugs, taking off the helmet*

Chocobo is right.... give into your anger... well not your anger really, just the darker influeces of Malifaux.

*Snickers and hops up on a Monolith*

Any way, Time for Work!

*Drives off on the Monolith to return in a bit*

Heh, I don't need to give in to the anger....The force is strong in me!

#moves monolith closer with telekinetic power, just by thinking it#


# hands envelope of notes to hired labour gang#

Yeah, thanks for that....no, it fooled everyone....

If Karn is the Darth Vader, does that make me the emperor

Somthing somthing dark, somthing somthing darkside, somthing somthing complete

Yup, i guess so...are you wrinkly and spend all day in a dressing gown?

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*steps in, looks around* Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?

lol. I know that isn't directed at me! ;)

Morning Fell. How's things?

And I've noticed that Snowstorm is now £22.50 on Maelstrom Games. I see they made a mistake!

I checked and because I pre-ordered at the original price of £9.90 they will honour that as it was their mistake!!

Good things are happening today!

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*steps in, looks around* Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?

*cackles* Very nice Fell ;)

*Wanders back in dressed in a black pin stripe suite, hops up onto Fells shoulder and hands her a coffee*

Morning everyone. Well morning again... morning for the first time Fell.

*Sips his coffee*

Was next to no traffic on the road in today... felt like I was missing something... guess I didn't get the Memo >.>

Any way, holy crap thunderstorms last night! We didn't lose power but while I was reading it was storming all the way through the early morning.

@AB: Maybe it was a promotional thing? Eh they are at least honoring the price it looks, congrats on the cheap find!

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*Sips his coffee*

Was next to no traffic on the road in today... felt like I was missing something... guess I didn't get the Memo >.>

@AB: Maybe it was a promotional thing? Eh they are at least honoring the price it looks, congrats on the cheap find!

Nah they said it was their mistake! I guess someone will be getting a slapped wrist.

And didn't you realise it was 'National no travel on the road that KArn is travelling on' Day today?

Pffftt...you should watch more news...... ;)

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We had a couple of really good storms last night at the GS...

Hiya Abs! How are you? I'm doing very well this morning, in spite of staying up WAY too late and sleeping through my alarm :D Had a good game of Malifaux last night(25ss Box Tina crew vs custom Guild crew). Have Blueberry coffee this morning... listened to Darude on my way into work... kinda feel........... chipper :D

Hiya Karn!! Yes, there was a memo... everyone was supposed to be in at 530 this morning... *narrows eyes* you're late! XD

Hi Chocobo!

*waves hand at potential guests on the forum today* This IS the forum you are looking for

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Yay Chipper Fell!

*Jumps to her other shoulder and leans against her head, sipping his coffee*

Always a great way to start the day, in such a positive mood that is.

*looks around*

Hmmmm... well blast! I am 2 hours late then! CURSE YOU MEMOS!

*Memos nearby implode*

Huh... that was odd...

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We had a couple of really good storms last night at the GS...

Hiya Abs! How are you? I'm doing very well this morning, in spite of staying up WAY too late and sleeping through my alarm :D Had a good game of Malifaux last night(25ss Box Tina crew vs custom Guild crew). Have Blueberry coffee this morning... listened to Darude on my way into work... kinda feel........... chipper :D

Hiya Karn!! Yes, there was a memo... everyone was supposed to be in at 530 this morning... *narrows eyes* you're late! XD

Hi Chocobo!

*waves hand at potential guests on the forum today* This IS the forum you are looking for

Darude? Is that the sandstorm people...dancy stuff?

#sees Fell waving hand#

Hmmm Obi wan has taught you well....

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#looks down#

oh yeah.... forgot.

#lifts x-wing out of the swamp#

That'll be a bitch to clean!

*Watches it Rise up*

Ohhhh so this is basically star wars day in this thread then huh? Excellent =D

*Waves hands and the Dramatic fight music starts:*



*stands on Fells shoulder and slowly draws a lightsaber out of his robes (yes he is wearing black robes nows) and stares down AB and Chocobo, his eyes burning Red. Holding it out in-front of him the double crimson blades burst to life with the iconic snap-hiss*

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@Abs: yes they are the "sandstorm people".... I like to get my heart pumping early in the morning... <.< ... >.>.... PERVS! >.<

" Ready are you? What know you of ready? For eight hundred years have I trained Jedi. My own counsel will I keep on who is to be trained. A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away... to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing. Hmph. Adventure. Heh. Excitement. Heh. A Jedi craves not these things. You are reckless. "

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