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Personally, I much prefer old Molly. Not a fan of the super energetic one. I related really well to Molly because she was an introverted character... the new one seems like all that got thrown out the window, and I'm really not a fan. Ah well, I still have my metal Molly. I'll probably buy the plastic set just for her totem, though, the metal one for that kit is evil.

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I have, literally, more than one hundred unpainted metal figs boxed up in my office/workroom. For about a year and a half I traded "Mithril" miniatures on eBay (they're Lord of the Rings figures, before GW got in on the act with the movie license). I made a tidy profit, and kept the ones I wanted and/or couldn't sell. 

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I love the art for the new Molly, and the new Kirai.  I wasn't going to even look at these crews before the artwork.  Now however, I am slightly tempted..ok, very tempted to add them in the mix!


As for a grey mountain, mine would put Mount Doom to shame!  I need a clone to go to work, One for the home life which would mean I could paint all day lol!

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Glad you liked that one, Dust! Was quite pleased with it. And there's nothing wrong with amateur writing... the transition between the two is a little weird, though. What's you sister working on?


I really want to get my ruleset back on track. Right now it's still some basic mechanics- barely past the "games you make up when you're twelve" category.


She's working on a few different types of writing- self-help, science fiction, and trashy pulp.



That's one of my pieces, Nikko.


That's niiiiice. I've had a hard time with painting- most of it has been for larger scale games and I just get impatient and want to call something complete. It gets aggravating. Seeing some people's ridiculously good blending and such only makes it worse.


I like many of the old fig's, but they do sort of look like "claymation" models. For the most part, I prefer the new plastic ones.

...I'll probably buy the plastic set just for her totem, though, the metal one for that kit is evil.


There's a pretty wide range in the metals- the metal Ronin have a lot more personality to me than the plastic hotties in miniskirts (despite their appeal to my inner 13-year-old). Meanwhile, I definitely like the idea of a plastic Necrotic Machine, because I almost threw the bits of the metal one across the room in frustration.


I have, literally, more than one hundred unpainted metal figs boxed up in my office/workroom. For about a year and a half I traded "Mithril" miniatures on eBay (they're Lord of the Rings figures, before GW got in on the act with the movie license). I made a tidy profit, and kept the ones I wanted and/or couldn't sell. 


My sister painted the Wormtongue model from that range. One of the things I loved about those was that they were cleaned up and pre-primed. I'd gladly pay a bit extra for that.


As for a grey mountain, mine would put Mount Doom to shame!  I need a clone to go to work, One for the home life which would mean I could paint all day lol!


Worst I've heard of to date is a guy that used to go to the old LGS. Dude never moved out of his mom's house, is in his 50s, and has been buying stuff by the ton constantly (he makes decent money as a chef). His room's supports had to be reinforced because all of the metal was literally straining the floors. He once packed a bunch of it into a van and the rear axle sagged to the point of nearly dragging the bumper on the ground.

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Also, Monkey- did you hear about this? http://manticblog.com/2014/11/03/big-battles-great-background-quick-rules/


Kings of War 2nd Edition is scheduled for the middle of next year. Expanded fluff, revised army lists, and all of the essential rules in one place. Plus, they are taking a page from Wyrd and making an equivalent to the Rules Manual (they are calling it a Battle Book) that's just the rules and army lists, so people can leave their fancy hardback at home when they play elsewhere.

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One of the things I'm hoping they can iron out is some of the build loopholes, like armies of nothing but single Drakons. Ideally, they will also not prevent me from running a Werewolf-only army; I'd like to see that remain an option without being only slightly less disgusting than the single Drakon army.


Sadly, I can't make the Chicago Clash of Kings tournament.

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Speaking of "grey mountains" (again), I just ran a quick inventory of my total unpainted collection of metal figs:


165 OOB figures (130 Mithril minis, 35 misc Reaper, Ral Partha, etc)

115 NIB Mithril minis

   7 oversized figures (2 dragons, 3 giants, a balrog, and some fierce-looking, 4-armed beastie)


GRAND TOTAL: 287 unpainted metal figures 


Looks like I underestimated my collection by almost a factor of 3.  :lol:

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