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@Abs - bullet storm crew kicked some butt - although sammy would have been better han nino since the gunslinger was hogging up masks .

I like my lucius crew way better though , the guild hounds are going to make life way easier , since now I can sack dogs to reactivate lucius , and further boost my numbers for a better chance for lucius to have the final activation per turn

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The teenager quote was me... like two days ago ;)

*cackles* Yeah it really kinda was XD

"What is that odious stench? Smells like teenagers." - sounds like something from the 90's... you know... bad writing ;)
Oh definitely... but someone has to know this one... especially all of us who grew up in the 90's, this was one of those BIG movies when we were kids.

@Foe: Heya Foe! yeah that list looked nasty... all them bullets would quite a few holes in my Nephilim and Woes )=

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I didn't go to a lot of movies when I was a kid... watched a lot of Saturday morning cartoons/shows...

Ahhh. Well it was based off a Saturday Morning show though... very popular in the early 90's and different versions of it still run today.

@Foe:Horde Mobsters....interesting....let us know if its any good.

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Ahhh. Well it was based off a Saturday Morning show though... very popular in the early 90's and different versions of it still run today.

Power Rangers?? :tongue2:

Oh, and Karn, watch where you're doing that fire trick....wouldn't want the wrong Guildsters to see you doing that. Enslaved or not, I don't think Sonnia would be happy I taught you that!

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Power Rangers?? :tongue2:

Oh, and Karn, watch where you're doing that fire trick....wouldn't want the wrong Guildsters to see you doing that. Enslaved or not, I don't think Sonnia would be happy I taught you that!

Huzzah! Yup! Mighty Morphing Power Ranges The Movie.

Talk about a bit of a blast from the past ;)

*shifty eyes* I did nothing.... you didn't see anything....

*Innocently looks at Fell and grins*

What?! I didn't do anything >.>

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I loved the ORIGINAL power rangers... with the guys in foam suits as the bad guys...

Rita Repulsa and the Putties! XD

I love the original to and even liked that first change they made when they brought in the Green Ranger and what not. But after the first reboot, I stopped watching the show.


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