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Whiskey Golem, Wave 2 arsenal decks and Miss Ery


I am a bit intimidated by the Whiskey Golem. Miss Ery went together beautifully (and fast), and I'm starting to master Plastruct's seam-based formula.


I'm waging a one man secret war on cheap crass nudity and comedy chest balloons in miniatures...

It's not going well


Three. Sometimes my inner 13-year-old loves that sort of thing, but give me a freaking choice at least. We don't need to reinforce the stereotype of miniatures gamers as immature child-men. I mean, I am an immature child-man in some ways, but that's not because of this hobby :P


For gaming, I prefer a more sensible approach. I don't have a problem with pin-up minis, or with nudity in miniatures. It's all about context. There's stuff meant for your display case at home, and stuff that you game with.


The Pelagarths in Wrath of Kings are an interesting example to me, because in some ways their design makes sense, but in others, it doesn't. I'd probably paint warpaint on them to drive home the woad-style theme of the models. I think the new Lady J sort of splits the difference- shibari is a bit more realistic than a corset top for fighting, but at the same time there's still a bit of fanservice.


I don't mind barbarian women. I just mind that most of them follow a standard template when there's a ton of creative license available in said category.

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I'm waging a one man secret war on cheap crass nudity and comedy chest balloons in miniatures...

It's not going well

3 man and a woman. I'm with you! really it's offensive, most women, especially the more fit ones, don't have much in that area at all. It's all fat, you get fit, you lose weight, they get smaller. 


Not to mention leaving us less endowed women feeling a little inferior to a plastic model. if that's not ridiculous I dunno what is. Body image is hard enough without game companies making it worse. 

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Yeah, it wasn't bad. Wrapped up the mission for Iron Kingdoms... ending up doing the factory fight with an unfinished Demolisher like you suggested forever ago, lol. It was a great moment of 'oh crap' from the players when they heard the 'jack start up. Didn't get up to a whole lot else besides, unfortunately. How was yours?

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