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I understand completely dust, we brits can be a bit . .... arrogant i guess. Personally i dont judge anyone by their accent but unfortunately a lot do. But its not just you, they do it to other brits with accents too. It is also part of the british culture that we poke fun at each other, friendly banter between nationalities or regions etc...

Hopefully these ignorant people wont put you off coming for future trips.

I love living in the uk but even in the last twenty years i have seen our society degrading. I blame the growth of social media as people just dont seem to know how to interact these days unless its in txt speak via a screen!

But i guess its the same everywhere. The world has become smaller but the idea of society is drifting apart!


Here's the kicker- I don't even have the accent. I moved around so much as a kid that most people peg me as from Pennsylvania or Michigan- it's not so much that I have no accent as that mine is a hodgepodge of accents from a decent swath of the country.


I'd love to visit the UK. I just work under the assumption that some idiot who thinks his teeth are a bottle opener will come along and try to start trouble with me because I'm from 'Murika.


If there's a tour of the "lead belt," I'd love to take it- I'd visit GW and probably want to coordinate it with one of Mantic's Open Days so I can spend the day there.


In case anyone wants to come to Nashville, a few tips:

  1. No, we don't all adore country music and have Southern accents. A fair number of us have a love-hate relationship with the music business and the resulting tourism (we know it's good for the city, but tourists can be annoying).
  2. If you want to avoid looking like a tourist, don't wear cowboy boots or a ten gallon hat. Seriously. That's what tourists and the occasional low-rent performers do.
  3. We have more hipsters now than anything else, and they are just as irritating here, too.
  4. You must try a non-chain barbecue joint and hot chicken. Unless you're vegetarian, in which case go to the Wild Cow. Our Mexican restaurants are also pretty good, and there are several excellent burger restaurants in and around town, too.
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good tips there Dust!


And tourists are annoying wherever you go lol!


To be honest, I doubt you'd get any trouble from people, physical anyway.


You may get the odd idiot attempting to do an American accent in front of his mates in some attempt to ridicule you.  But if you have any quips to retaliate, that usually shuts the beggars up!


I get enough stick being welsh, but I don't mind and go along with it sometimes.  But that is par for the course of being on the welsh/English border!  Guess its kind of like an American/Canadian thing?


Most people here like and welcome American tourists.  Just don't walk around in a cowboy hat, shorts, socks and sandals and you'll be fine!

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