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Aye, it sounds like a great trip, hope you get to do it. :) The Warhammer Fantasy ones tended to be a lot more hit or miss for me... I'd recommend Von Carstein, Genevieve, the Malus Darkblade books, and Riders of the Dead. Those all were really good. Never read the Witchhunter ones.

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There's no school like the old school: http://evil-inc.com/comic/dig-dug/


The only issue I have about going to the UK is getting crap from people because I'm an American. I'd still go, but I could see myself groaning anytime someone assumed that because of where in the US I live that I'm some kind of hillbilly.


Shoulder's finally getting better. Maybe I can do some of the cleanup that I wanted to do last weekend so I can have space to paint again.


I didn't realize that Confrontation was tied up in legal issues; I did know about the negative feedback for the second-to-last rewrite. It'll probably never come back, or it will come back, have a moderately successful Kickstarter (mostly from nostalgia freaks), hit mainstream release, sell a little, then fade into obscurity again.

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I understand completely dust, we brits can be a bit . .... arrogant i guess. Personally i dont judge anyone by their accent but unfortunately a lot do. But its not just you, they do it to other brits with accents too. It is also part of the british culture that we poke fun at each other, friendly banter between nationalities or regions etc...

Hopefully these ignorant people wont put you off coming for future trips.

I love living in the uk but even in the last twenty years i have seen our society degrading. I blame the growth of social media as people just dont seem to know how to interact these days unless its in txt speak via a screen!

But i guess its the same everywhere. The world has become smaller but the idea of society is drifting apart!

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