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It is for Serenity... And I enjoy doing it for myself... just not so keen on having to please other people.... *shrugs*

Serenity is pretty open about ships... It's an easy concept, because most of the characteristics are on a character sheet (the ship is a character :D) So you can kind of do whatever you want when it comes to the ship... as long as you account for the build.

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Enjoy lunch AB!

@Fell:Thats the best way to do a ship I think... or a complex vehicle of any kind really, make them basically a character and give them a sheet. There was a 3rd party 3rd ed D&D setting called Dragon Mech where you could make your own Steampunk/high magic mechs and they did the same thing.

I think I just love building things.... *eyes the monoliths*

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ah... I understand.... When is she due again???


Around the start of July!

in posts on this thread, the only person who has more than me is Karn.

How did you find that out? I know it tells me how many i've done if I hover over the box at the side of the thread (on the title page thingy!)

1457 in this thread! crap, thats almost a fifth!

Edited by Absolution Black
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* Gets dragged into thread by 2 very large guild hounds , gets peanut butter pie's from monolith and feeds to the dogs * "there that should keep them busy for a bit ".

Whats up everyone !!

* places a box of double chocolate chip cookies on a table for everyone* .

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* Gets dragged into thread by 2 very large guild hounds , gets peanut butter pie's from monolith and feeds to the dogs * "there that should keep them busy for a bit ".

Whats up everyone !!

* places a box of double chocolate chip cookies on a table for everyone* .

*Transpositions some Cookies from the box and munches away*

Not much, busy busy busy. How about you Foe? Hows tricks?

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* Gets dragged into thread by 2 very large guild hounds , gets peanut butter pie's from monolith and feeds to the dogs * "there that should keep them busy for a bit ".

Whats up everyone !!

* places a box of double chocolate chip cookies on a table for everyone* .

#sees cookies. Wonders if this is a trap. Looks around. Grabs a cookie#

MMMM...delicious, thanks Foe! What are we celebrating?

And hows things....morning?

Sorry, i'm totally doing things the wrong way today!

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I... take it you figured it out ;)

You will have to post a picture of your little'un on here, as soon as you can manage it :D I'm excited for you :)

No, i just rolled the mouse over the box. It tells you! Magic!

(not the finger waggler kind)

Yeah, as long as everything goes ok, I should be able to post pics of us on here! I am sooooooo excited , but also very stressed as my wife has a particular condition that can be really bad in labour.....hence the c-section and her being housebound and looked after 24/7!

Not getting clucky are you Fell? ;)

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*brushes crumbs off of shoulder, brushes Karn over backwards, waves at Foe*

It's okay, Abs; Foe's a Guilder like us :) (mostly)

#sniggers at KArn# I was more worried about Sketch eviscerating me for nicking cookies!

Someone is fiesty this morning ;)

*pulls himself back up onto his perch and leans against Fell's head and offers her a cookie*

#blows raspberry at KArn#

Meh, just poking the Neph! Its such fun from time to time, until you go and ruin it by transpositioning something....

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No, i just rolled the mouse over the box. It tells you! Magic!

(not the finger waggler kind)

Yeah, as long as everything goes ok, I should be able to post pics of us on here! I am sooooooo excited , but also very stressed as my wife has a particular condition that can be really bad in labour.....hence the c-section and her being housebound and looked after 24/7!

Not getting clucky are you Fell? ;)

Good luck to you and your Mrs AB! Hope everything goes well for her and it all turns out fine. =)

#blows raspberry at KArn#

Meh, just poking the Neph! Its such fun from time to time, until you go and ruin it by transpositioning something....

*eyes AB* Uh huh....

Just jealous is all. *Transpositions another cookie to himself*

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*eyes AB* Uh huh....

Just jealous is all. *Transpositions another cookie to himself*

Your muscles will waste away from lack of use...I've seen it in a documentary ;)

#grabs a cookie#

I'm sure we'll be fine...don't worry I'll keep you guys posted.

So, what are we going to muck about doing today then?

OOHHH 2525 posts ...it means i can sing!

"In the year 2525...."

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