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Hi Ed, Steam, Dust, Mako, Bow, Viktoria, Monkey...plus anyone else who want s a mention!


Busy moving house this week and next but it will mean we have a garage which I can use for gaming lol!


As if we'd keep our car in there....  * rolls eyes*


Future house purchase plans include finding a place with a game room- game table and hobby desks on one end, couch, TV, and game consoles on the other.


What is wrong with the Mantic forums Dust?


Got to admit it has been a while since I have been there........ the Dust Tactics forums are pretty bad.


Mantic's forums are largely great too- I meant that both are far more mature than some of the video game boards, plagued with teenagers trying too damn hard to be cool.


Only real issue with the Mantic boards is that a few of the Brits that are closer to the staff than the rest of us like to rub it in sometimes. That gets old. To be fair, I'd be guilty of talking about how cool it was, but less of a "look how cool I am" and more of a "this is sweet- I wish you guys could do this too."


Miranda rocks....  I saw her on her live tour a month or so ago..such fun!


Was it what you'd call a "comedy routine?" :P


The girlfriend and I are using "such fun" in conversation on occasion now, and sometimes we catch ourselves doing Stevie's not-at-all accurate rendition of Heather Small, too.

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Future house purchase plans include finding a place with a game room- game table and hobby desks on one end, couch, TV, and game consoles on the other.



Mantic's forums are largely great too- I meant that both are far more mature than some of the video game boards, plagued with teenagers trying too damn hard to be cool.


Only real issue with the Mantic boards is that a few of the Brits that are closer to the staff than the rest of us like to rub it in sometimes. That gets old. To be fair, I'd be guilty of talking about how cool it was, but less of a "look how cool I am" and more of a "this is sweet- I wish you guys could do this too."



Was it what you'd call a "comedy routine?" :P


The girlfriend and I are using "such fun" in conversation on occasion now, and sometimes we catch ourselves doing Stevie's not-at-all accurate rendition of Heather Small, too.

It was what I would call a "comedy routine" though there were some *changes voice* Sexual * changes voice back* undertones!


Oh I say "such fun" constantly now along with the classic "bear with" !!!

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Its amazing how quickly this Mali addiction bears fruit..


I told myself just get the Lady J set and the Viks..


Then it became just the Guild and the Viks, and maybe Seamus.


Now I find myself having just purchased a Plastic raspy crew and tootling along to almost 10 crews already!


And Som'er is now on the horizon..I love the new gremlin style.


*wallet sighs*

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