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To be fair I've never had anything but good dealings with them, and while they've burned a lot of bridges I think they're starting to build new ones. Plus I'll be waiting for Arena Rex a lot longer than anything from MM, but that's kickstarter for you ;-)

My personal beef is with CMON. Unlike MM I have suffered at their hand, but on top of that there are lots of great new companies being sabotaged by having CMON as a distributer. If Studio McVey make one change moving forward, I hope it's separating themselves from CMON.

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I know too many people (and some companies) that got the royal shafting from that guy. The fact that he's still wandering about running everything he used to having carefully tanked the debt means no more bridges for me, ever. 


CMoN are a menace at times too, indeed.

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Well, it's a strength bonus at that point right? So I wasn't sure. 


Not that that gretchin would have survived anyway, but it might have been less mushy :D


I'm also starting to realise my kit contains several combi tools or counts as combi tools. If they stack, I'm on about +30 to tech use...

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WS 15, BS 15, S 50, T 40, Ag 20, Int 10, Per 20, WP 30, Fel 05
Machine gives immulity to vacuum, cold, toxins, 4 armour all over (even against fire)
Sturdy gives +20 against grapples and Takedown
Unnat strength (2) so his strength bonus is 7
Natural weapon on a servo arm is 1d10+7, but can't parry or be disarmed
Servo fist (melee 1d5+6 I, Pen 0)
Trade (one)+10, so I can have him and me together granting +20 to my armouring
He won't hit often, but when he does at 1d5 +6+7 he's going to shred stuff :D
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Oh wait, primitive makes the servo arm count any result above 7 as 7, so 1d7+7. 


But still, he's a bit epic considering I only used him as ablative armour last time! Oops...


Course, I have to get the little sod to actually fight stuff, since last time he refused to!

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Yeah, the servo arm on Simon XIV is more powerful. I need to get me a melee weapon sometime soon I think!


Though it uses my WS I guess, so presumably it uses my strength bonus too. Just not the extra for manipulation tests.

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