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They have fluff that is the most innovative for the industry in a lot of ways. They're doing it very differently than their competitors, and I think that part of it is brilliant. Is the quality of the writing always up to snuff? Eh. Sometimes, lol. But I have to admire them for how they do it.

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I think I might need a hiatus from my local game store. Something about the place brings out the worst in me. Long story short, a bunch of little things that by themselves would only be tiny annoyances built up until I had to step out of the store to get some air.


I don't have a problem with anyone that goes there- certainly not with anyone that was there last night. If it was just me, I'd have this problem in other stores or at the club meetings I've been attending. If it was them, I'd have problems with them on a regular basis, and in locales outside the store. It's not the owner or former owner, either- the owner hasn't even been there much lately.


The store tends to be really warm, and it gets uncomfortable. I'm sure that's part of it, but not all.

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Know how you feel Lord of Dust. Sometimes I regret going to my club, but struggle to pinpoint a reason. I think it might just be a case of being in the wrong mood, though I admit I have a low tolerance for loud, over-energetic geeks (or people in general) and it can get pretty noisy when it's busy (and the usual suspects are fooling around). But whatever your reaosns are, hopefully you find a way to cope that doesn't negatively impact your gaming.


My hobby life seems to be improving however. I discovered one of the guys at my club lives near me and is happy to game outside of the club (helps he's an example of a good ex-GW staff member), plus I now have a "local" store (well, two actually) so I feel that little bit more connected to the hobby (forget how much I missed buying models from a human being). Latest purchases have been the M2E rulebook (finally!) and the Khador starter for Warmachine, and already ordered Fuhatsu for my Mei Feng crew, my first Dreadball team (Pelgar Mystics) and the Army Painter Mega Set. On top of all that, my latest pay is bigger than I thought, so should be able to afford a good time at Salute, while my next pay is going towards the Darklands kickstarter (haven't read the rules, but I'll be damned if I don't have several armies for it =p) Happy days =]

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Always a bonus.


I... have no idea. Honestly, I don't think I'll know if this bit works until I get more of the other bits done. But oh well. Going to take some photos, since I've done a few scraps of painting and sculpting.


Fun shopping. Debating preordering the Lone Marshal so I get him immediately the local gets him in, and seeing if they'll order the Only War book for me. Base one, not the expansion (which according to FFG is coming in May).

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