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I have my lineage maped out for six generations, relating myself to EVERY family who has held the throne of the Seven Kingdoms.....

So here is my thought for my blood line:

it is alluded that both sisters of Aegon V (the father of the current Targaryen and Baratheon lines) have children, but their genders are unknown. It is also alluded that Tytos Lannister had two older brothers. So my plan is to have Rhae Targaryen (elder of the two sisters) and the Eldest Lannister son be my grandparents. My father is their eldest son and my mother, an unknown daughter of the Stark line (they have a lot of question marks in their family tree, so it works). I have royal blood from two lines, would be a great bargaining chip for anyone who cares to notice, but I'm far enough away to be forgoten more often than not. This would also give me inheritence from the Lannisters, while keeping the blood sufficently hidden. As it stands, my father would be the Kings Uncle, but I could move myself along my made up family tree to fit the time period.

I know Sketch and Abs are the only ones who have ANY idea what I'm talking about.... but I wanted to put it down on paper...

Sounds as if that could work. You've certainly put a lot of thought into it, and having your 'fingers' in several lineages will be great for a RP situation. You will no doubt find that as people become aware of this inheritance, you will be a target for manipulation! But give as good as you get....that would be the Lannister Blood in you! ;)

Targaryens bloodline could be very interesting to RP too, as of the link to The mad king and dragons. It just depends on which timeline the game is set.

I look forward to hearing about your political machinations...though rest assured, if you somehow damage the Starks.....I won't be happy! ;)

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