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on the facebook wyrd forum,.. eric j had tossed out a question about highly detailed 8-10" sculpts,.. and I quote,.,..

Hi All, in my ongoing series of posts getting feedback from you all...I have another one!

Would you be interested in a non-game, collectable piece? Such as a 8" highly detailed resin of one of the games popular characters. Is this something that you

a) wouldn't care for

B) would think was a novelty, but not worth buying except at clearance prices

c) would look to pick it up for a reasonable price

d) would run over family members with your car if they were unfortunate enough to be in your way

And finally, which character would interest you seeing in a large/highly detailed resin like this.

---------- Post added at 02:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:40 PM ----------

Imagine a Collette,...for example,.. the size of one of my garage kits,..

Or a Seamus,.. or Kirai,... or,.. (insert master of choice here)

---------- Post added at 02:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:42 PM ----------

Personally,... if they can get them down to around $40-50, then I'm in. I mean they're sure to be really cool,.. just not $180 a piece cool,..

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I swear my horde of primed/unpainted stuff is going to become sentient and hold me down until I finish painting at least some of it

---------- Post added at 10:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 PM ----------

Also, for those who don't follow 40k very much, check out my totally legal general play ork list


100 - Buzzgob

300 w/Big Mek Stompa (p398)

255 - Meka-Dread w/KFF


105 - Dread w/2CCW

170 - Dread x2 w/Big Shoota


225 - Kanz x5 w/Grotzooka

275 - Kanz x5 w/KMB

200 - Kanz x4 w/Rokkit


120 - Lootaz x8


Stompa and Deff Dreads count as Scoring/Denial because of Buzzgob. Welcome to 6e

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