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*Wanders in with his morning Oj and looks around*

Morning everyone, hows tricks?

I've told you..we don't do tricks..thats the finger wagglers!

Besides i have a dampening field that stops that sort of stuff!

Up or down?

Huh? is this related to the left or right question?

Morning M'lady......Are you well, Fell?

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Need some miracle grow for my hair... I like it when it's jaw length, and I like it when it's shoulder length or longer... But it grows so slow and it's between the two lengths.... And I can't do a gohram thing with it :(

Bummer. though i do like that length on a woman's hair. long enough to look feminine and frame the face, yet short enough to get at the neck!!

Sunshine is good for hair growth (and nails) as I think its vitamin D that is produced by exposure to sunlight.

And it gets you outside!

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Need some miracle grow for my hair... I like it when it's jaw length, and I like it when it's shoulder length or longer... But it grows so slow and it's between the two lengths.... And I can't do a gohram thing with it :(

*wanders in with his morning coffee and a can of Miracle Grow*

Hmmm? Oh.... well I suppose you can have it... I was going to try to grow a few monsterous plants... but I think this is a better cause =D

*Hops up onto Fell's shoulder*

Well a few more weeks and I'm sure it will be there, just gotta make it through them heh.

Right now I need a hair cut, hair is to long since I can see my bangs and its to hot to keep it any kind of long. Probably get it decapitated on Saturday....

*Sips coffee*

So yeah... Tornada's in Ma..... not a good thing ><

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Right now I need a hair cut, hair is to long since I can see my bangs and its to hot to keep it any kind of long. Probably get it decapitated on Saturday....

*Sips coffee*

So yeah... Tornada's in Ma..... not a good thing ><

Bangs. this always reminds me of Rachel in Friends. ;)

And more tornados...it seems new ones are appearing all the time, i assume it is tornado season then, and you have had particularly bad ones as they don't often make the news as much as they have done over here!

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Well we really don't get Tornados in Ma... we have had maybe 9 in the last 10 years or something like that. Even then, maybe only 3 have actually touched down... so it's very rare to get the kind of damage we had last night.

*Sips coffee*

Gladly everyone I know out in that area are fine and luckily no damage to their homes.

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Well we really don't get Tornados in Ma... we have had maybe 9 in the last 10 years or something like that. Even then, maybe only 3 have actually touched down... so it's very rare to get the kind of damage we had last night.

*Sips coffee*

Gladly everyone I know out in that area are fine and luckily no damage to their homes.

Thats good to know. I watched some of the news footage (i can't remember what state it was in) but literally towns were flattened...very frightening.

I'm glad we live in the UK, where we don't really get extremes of weather. Yes, we might get heavy snow from time to time or gales, but nothing too severe.

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Well we really don't get Tornados in Ma... we have had maybe 9 in the last 10 years or something like that. Even then, maybe only 3 have actually touched down... so it's very rare to get the kind of damage we had last night.

*Sips coffee*

Gladly everyone I know out in that area are fine and luckily no damage to their homes.

The worst we get is snow and nothing works any more, cause there's a tiny bit of snow on road and somone might fall over and bang the're knee. It's the end of the world i tell you

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The worst we get is snow and nothing works any more, cause there's a tiny bit of snow on road and somone might fall over and bang the're knee. It's the end of the world i tell you

Lol this is so true. I have a work colleague who if it starts snowing, has to leave immediately in case she can't get home. She lives two miles away on flat ground, just off a main road.

We brits are so crap at dealing with snow.....you'd think, considering we have it EVERY year, we'd be experts by now....

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Thats good to know. I watched some of the news footage (i can't remember what state it was in) but literally towns were flattened...very frightening.

I'm glad we live in the UK, where we don't really get extremes of weather. Yes, we might get heavy snow from time to time or gales, but nothing too severe.

Yeah its kinda eerie... I know that part of the town that got hit to so going to be really strange the next time I pass through.

Heh Snow.... yeah we get killer snow some times... not like Russia mind you, but enough to shut down the area for a day or so. Ice storms though... a bad one happens every few years but the last one was about 3 or 4 years back I think... no power at my place for 3 days and parts of the state were dark for just over 2 weeks. Trees down everywhere, 2 of my friends had Trees in their houses.

But yeah... I still had to go into Colleague that day for a final paper XD

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Lol this is so true. I have a work colleague who if it starts snowing, has to leave immediately in case she can't get home. She lives two miles away on flat ground, just off a main road.

We brits are so crap at dealing with snow.....you'd think, considering we have it EVERY year, we'd be experts by now....

I laugh in the face of snow, then the snow ate my buss ticket :(

True story

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I laugh in the face of snow, then the snow ate my buss ticket :(

True story

Yeah, I feel your pain. THAT kind of snow is a killer. It stole my dinner money several times as a kid.

People who whinge about snow (in the UK) are at the top of my pet peevs list.....along with people who walk and text at the same time not looking where they are going, Britains got talent and cats.

I'm sorry, i don't do cats. They don't like me either which is a plus. If we are both in the same room, we keep a respectful distance away from each other, but will keep staring (its a power thing). I know Fell is a cat person and will defend them. But although I will never harm a cat, and yes, they can look cute, I just can't bond with them.

I love dogs.

And our neighbours freakin cats are always pooping in our garden!! How do you stop the buggers? Apart from landmines. ;)


Edited by Absolution Black
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Yeah, I feel your pain. THAT kind of snow is a killer. It stole my dinner money several times as a kid.

People who whinge about snow (in the UK) are at the top of my pet peevs list.....along with people who walk and text at the same time not looking where they are going, Britains got talent and cats.

I'm sorry, i don't do cats. They don't like me either which is a plus. If we are both in the same room, we keep a respectful distance away from each other, but will keep staring (its a power thing).

I love dogs. End of.

And freakin cats are always pooping in our garden!! How do you stop the buggers? Apart from landmines.

Well I was going to say Landmines.... buuuuttt..... Pit Traps? =D

I don't mind Cats that much, but so few are really socialable, though the ones that are are awesome. I'm much more of a dog person myself. Not small dogs mind you... yippy little monsters... but a decent sized Dog to a big dog is great.

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Well I was going to say Landmines.... buuuuttt..... Pit Traps? =D

I don't mind Cats that much, but so few are really socialable, though the ones that are are awesome. I'm much more of a dog person myself. Not small dogs mind you... yippy little monsters... but a decent sized Dog to a big dog is great.

Yeah, you can get sociable cats, but even they stay well clear...I guess I give off a vibe!

I heard Lemongrass is good, and Lion poo. But unfortunately we don't have many Lions in North wales....

And dogs..yeah, little yappy ones can be irritating (though i do like Jack russells, cheeky little buggers). I used to have two Border collies (sheepdogs) that were great....loyal, playful, obedient and so happy!!

Didn't like sheep though! :)

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