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I gots me the new pandora and sonnia boxes this weekend. But Malifaux is struggling - they missed their chance really when the new releases were delayed and the rules were impossible to get put off a lot of newbies. Even making a PDF available would have been better for sales overall I think but hey-ho.

I still play but I need to paint my stuff and I have 40k to work on too!

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Yeah, part of the issue too was some daft 'schism' within our club whereby most of the non 40k players made a mass exodus and they're expanding into skirmish/malifaux. Which is good really since if I need a fix o' the 'faux I can go there since it's on a different day!

---------- Post added 01-15-2014 at 12:00 AM ---------- Previous post was 01-14-2014 at 11:59 PM ----------

hey guys! I'm here again!!


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I've had two days in a row with decent naps. One of my non nappers was home sick with a fever (poor kiddo! :( ) and the other one didn't sleep at all last night, so she was really tired today. (poor mom, there!)

---------- Post added at 08:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 PM ----------

Lol Phototoxin, I just saw that the video you posted was directed at me. Thank you! lol I love Glados!

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WEll, I'm back with the itty bitty babies. My oldest one is 8 months. The stress level is SO much lower than it was in the toddler room. I'm much happier with the babies that I don't have to worry about killing each other.

I wish I could sleep during nap time too, Monkey! I'm of the firm opinion that the human body wasn't meant to go all day without a nap.

---------- Post added at 09:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 PM ----------

speaking of sleep, I'm an hour past my bed time. good night!

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