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so,.. it seems to be not a question of "if" I'm going to move,.. but only of "when", and "to where". Seems the choices are Billings Montana, Denver Colorado, and as of last night,.. it seems that Anchorage Alaska is on the table,..

---------- Post added at 06:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:44 PM ----------

Just posted this on facebook,.. but thought that I'd toss it up here as well,..

So,.. I've been watching TV, and I have a question ,...What idgit came up with the concept of "Mid-Season Finales"?? It can't be a finale if it's in the middle of the season,.. the word finale specifically means "end". Every show seems to be doing it now. And quite frankly, I'm getting a little tired of only getting 6 episodes of something, and then having to wait 3-6 months to see the other 6 to complete the season. You'd think that with the advent of things like Netflix where I can watch shows back to back,.. that the TV people would want to compete a bit more with that, so as to up their ratings and keep their show on the air. Also,.. can someone PLEASE tell me why the shows I like (mostly sci-fi type stuff) get cancelled after a season or two,.. and yet the shows I can't stand (American Idol, Housewives of New Jersey,... and anything starring a Kardashian) seem to stay on forever?? Is anyone actually watching that mindless drivel?? Or am I just the odd-man-out??

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TONS of people watch that drivel. Keep in mind a lot of the poeple you hang out with are also probably nerds, so its an unfair sampling of whats popular. Think of the average person, then realize half of EVERYONE is dumber than that.

Not to mention the shows you mentioned cost comparatively nothing to produce, where as most scifi and fantasy shows have a huge operating budget and if they arent runaway successes (Hi Game of Thrones) most networks arent going to risk putting a ton of their budget into it since most shows see a dropoff in viewership/ad dollars around season 2 and 3

As for the mid season thing, I dunno, probably so they can hype it in ads of "BIG FINALE" and get that season finale boost in viewership twice a season instead of just once. There could be some other reason for it though, Im just guessing on this one

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