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Oh, most likely. They did a good job with their pledge layout, though, so it's not going to cost too terribly much. I've got everything I want, and I still have more that I can use in case they unlock the Queen. If they don't, I'll get some more soldiers for the different forces. I just don't see myself playing Colonial Marines all that much, honestly.

---------- Post added at 03:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:41 AM ----------

I may need to get this...


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Microphone stand came today... Now to wait for the Pop filter to arrive and then work on the wife for the Microphone I want since after saying I could get it she then changed her mind!


Now that's a nice setup. Going to do a podcast or something? And is that Nyan Nyan I see up top?

---------- Post added at 04:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:27 AM ----------

Oh, and Steam, should have some writing for you before I head to bed. Got working on some culture and government designs thanks to bow, and it gave me some direction on where to take Shadows of Real. (crosses fingers) Here's hoping it works...but so far, it seems like it will.

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