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I think I've made a ... er.... sort of break through in painting. And by that I mean I've suddenly realised something I've been doing wrong all along with 'thin layers of paint'.

The solution takes more time to accomplish that what I'm doing now.






I quit. Faaaaar too impatient.

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Yeah, those breakthroughs tend to be a little fun, lol. What was the breakthrough?

I've apparently been completely miss-understanding what people mean by 'thin layers'. I kept thinking 'guys I'm now basically painting with a puddle of water here', and now I've realised it's actually not so much (still but not as much as I thought) about how 'watered' down it is, as it is about how much paint is in my brush and transferring to the model.

Lol. You can get good results quickly, I've seen it done! I'm just really slow...

I plan to invest in large tubes of colour and that instant shading stuff. I look forward to my entirely one colour miniatures army. Bahaha.

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I'm not sure getting any slower than I already am is a legit option! It already takes me like 2 weeks to finish 1 model, in the same time my friend has finished like 6 award winning looking minis.

Oooooh woooooe is me. Drats, I was hoping I was just going to wake up one morning and just start magically producing golden demon award winning jazz.

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Someone once told me that there are two ways to learn to paint - start fast and get more accurate, or start accurate and get faster.

Once I'd realised that I was the second one, he pointed out that the first type gets a ton more practice in and improves so much faster, lol.

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See now your painting work is just advocating for me to accept 'slow and steady wins the race' if I ever want to paint well.

Noooo, why can't the rabbit win the race? The rabbit wants to win the race with thick sloppy layers and a 10minute head staaaart.

Nooooo! Stay with us on the fast and crap side of painting! The rest of you are getting far too talented

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