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Off Topic Playground

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It's the nature of the beast. There was one black card that when combined with one blue card meant that someone deleted our whole life total by playing it, using the blue to return it to his hand and playing it again. Stupidly broken in two player!

Still, I only went for some time out the flat and for a giggle. Which it was. So a win, all told. Lol. Just got to make up the time tomorrow...

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Eh. The essay is going to be interesting. Comparing Plato, Renee Descartes and the Matrix on the issue of what is real, lol.

---------- Post added at 01:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 AM ----------

So, I just found one of my old Death Marshals, and compared it to a new one...kinda amazing how much I improved my painting in two years time.

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From what I've read/heard, the game seems pretty fun. Apparently setting up the board can be a bit of a mess though.

---------- Post added at 02:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:04 AM ----------

...dammit, now I really want to get some of that stuff to paint. Argh...

By the by, how did that game become a long running topic in here? Sheesh, lol

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I'll have to try it one day, then.

Board setup on the more fun games seems to be either dead easy, or a total pain in the neck!

But first, piles of other things to paint. Going to try to avoid any more stuff til I'm getting progress made on my tracker and the piles of other bits I have.

---------- Post added at 07:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:08 AM ----------

I dunno, I keep seeing it (and bits painted from it on forums), never really seen them in the flesh (well, box) til tody tho.

We have a lot of do long running topics though, it was bound to be in the list somewhere when it is basically the game of d'awwww!

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Eh, you're probably right. That slot was suspiciously empty.

Yeah, I'm not getting it until the Gencon crews plus at least one Miss Step are painted and based, lol. Between those, the Retribution, and the pile of 'for fun' minis, I need to start chipping away at the list before a whole new system of crazy gets added.

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Yeah. A limit for when you're allowed new things is good.

I want to get my PHR and at least three of the gencon box crews finished before adding to it. Preferably have 70% of my malifaux finished, so when arcworlde arrives I'm not buried under stuff.

---------- Post added at 07:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:16 AM ----------

Speaking of getting things done, I want to be a busy boy tomorrow, so I'm going to try and catch a few hours sleep. No doubt catch you later!

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