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There is sun... but they can't decide how long it will last... which is starting to make me want to scream... and the TREES are spawning.... *wipes white fuzzy... things... off her coat*

Ick :/

Well hopefully the weather evens out soon and you can just have nice warm sun =)

Speaking of Trees spawning... I saw some kind of Seed tumble weed go by this morning in the parking lot. It was about the size of a baseball but it was made of clumped up plant seeds/pollen etc... was a bit odd..

*tries to keep mind out of the gutter*

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Wow... the sun is out still and its lunch time! Have the Rains finally stopped for good? O.o

Hah! That's just what the weather WANTS you to think!

We had about 5 minutes of light rain here this morning, but it's been sunny otherwise. I hear we're supposed to have nasty storms hitting again by later this afternoon/this evening though.

Heck, we had tornado warnings on Monday, and I won't be surprised to see more tonight.

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