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Answer bomb...deployed.

Adventure Time is proof to me that cartoons have moved on. It only makes me laugh on occasion- usually it's just weird. John Dimaggio does a good job as Jake, though, and the Bacon Pancakes song is funny.

I like Gundam Wing and 08th MS Team, but can't stand any of the rest of them, for instance. I think I just hate teenagers as protagonists. :P

I will never understand why you like Gundam Wing despite hating teen protagonists, Ed. I just don't get it. The original Mobile Suit Gundam is a classic (though it helps to find one of the shorter releases as the full version pads the series out with recap episodes). War in the Pocket is also excellent.

Excel Saga plays with the chesty ditz thing. The girls with the larger chests are smart but socially awkward (and alien) and whip-smart and fully aware of the camera's attempt to make her eye candy, respectively. The ditz is the less bombshell-y one.

Last anime to have a gripping plot and never resorts to fanservice or a cast of 15 year olds?

Go check out Master Keaton. It's mostly a live-action detective/adventure show in animated form. Title character's a half-Japanese, half-British archaeology professor, insurance investigator (read: murder detective), and former SAS.

...I also really liked FLCL, worth it for The Pillows alone.

FLCL was too bizarre not to like for me. Also, the Pillows are great.

I assume americans are doing the same thing with american cheese

No, we use the phrase "American cheese" to mean "processed stuff that's sort of cheese-like." Thank goodness artisan cheese is part of the whole artisan food movement in this country.

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My recommendation rights? I suppose I would.

Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_Keaton

Imdb rates it 8.4/10 on average. Only 6 votes out of 59 rate it less than a 7. The first review will give you an idea of whether you'll like it or not- it explains the series quite well, and the writer specifically says it's a change from the usual giant robots and high school girls in short skirts.

---------- Post added at 02:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:37 PM ----------

We hide the good cheeses in the fromagerie. The brits wont go in cause it sounds french.

And the French won't go in because they think it's not actually French, just some poseur copping their fancier sounding words in an attempt to look hip, heh heh.

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The reuben really shouldn't work. It's this horrible mess of contradicting flavors piled on top of each other without the slightest attempt at accommodation. Savory smokey meet, sweet dressing, sour tangy krout, dry herbal marbled rye, mellow melty swiss. When you think about it, every bite should be a disaster but the whole thing comes together somehow.

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Waking up. :P Didn't get a lot of sleep, but at least what I got was good sleep, so I'll take the victory there. Just placed my first set of Wyrd orders with the new LGS...we'll see if they can get them at all! Here's hoping, cause I'm ordering five Arsenal Packs (everything but Gremlins and Neverborn) and a copy of Showdown.

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Yeah, I'm holding off on the Seamus boxset until Lady J, Rasputina and Mei Fang are finished and based. :-P

By the way, thanks for the critiques, bow and Mako. *grin* With the amount of difficulty I was having with the other, it's nice to know that I've been able to accomplish something worthwhile this week.

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Yeah, at least that spelling error was nowhere near as bad as the grammar error in the story for Kate... I'm still embarrassed over that one. >.<

---------- Post added at 05:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:52 PM ----------

And the rest of it is definitely stuff I can use. I think you're right, adding a little more to it at the beginning might be good. And that final line either needs to be changed or dropped altogether!

As far as the orientation perspective change you mentioned...I'll have to work on that. The problem with space combat is that everything is relative to everything else... explaining that without turning into David Weber is tricky, lol. Something to work on though!

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Yeah, that's why the best suggestion I could manage was to show it from the view inside the bridge, lol. I had no idea what to do about that!

---------- Post added at 11:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:03 PM ----------

Also, that grammar error was hilarious to read *grin*

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