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*sniggers 'cause she's a perv*

English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over and rummages through their pockets for loose grammar.

*pats your head and grins*

Yup, knew that would get your head going ;)

Heh I love that description of English! Mind if I borrow it? ;D

@Stinky Students: Ugh that sucks! I hate the body spray crap... None of the women I know have ever said that stuff is meant to be layered on you like that.

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*shakes head* I'm all set... I think it would be far too large for me... You're a half giant... ;)

Half giant? The real deal I think you'll find! Anyway, the coat will keep your legs and feet warm too!

my lab just got wicked gamey.... I have seven boys in here... at least one of them ACTUALLY smells bad... one is wearing... *sniffs, coughs* baby powder? and I smell too much body spray too *gavomits, runs to the window*

SMELL BAD!! I don't know what possesses teenage lads to cover up sweaty smells with copius layers of deodorant. All it takes is someone to point out if they actually 'showered' daily, there wouldn't be so much need for masking it!!


Anyway, enjoy lunch!

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they're okay... they sit heavier than Gyoza... so I usually can't eat them all... they make me feel blech... But they are tasty...

I was in a rush this morning... *shakes head* and I haven't been eating right the last couple of weeks... I eat most of (whatever) but can't finish the last two or three bites... It's weird... i think I need... something in my diet and I can't figure out what it is... so when my stomach is filled I simply can't eat anything else...

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they're okay... they sit heavier than Gyoza... so I usually can't eat them all... they make me feel blech... But they are tasty...

I was in a rush this morning... *shakes head* and I haven't been eating right the last couple of weeks... I eat most of (whatever) but can't finish the last two or three bites... It's weird... i think I need... something in my diet and I can't figure out what it is... so when my stomach is filled I simply can't eat anything else...

Ahh yeah and you don't want to eat to much heavy food like that. Well not unless you wanna pass out in a food coma heh.

*pats your head* Well that can be the hard part getting yourself ot eat a normal meal when your busy, or running around or at work etc. Maybe you should start getting the schoool lunches? Those are probably balanced to some extent.

But yeah that is wierd... eyes just being bigger then your stomach maybe? Or just to much heavy/greasy food?

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it's like... the end of my bowl of cereal (I slurp the milk out of the last few spoonfuls of cheerios) or the last couple of bites of my pb&j.... *shrugs* then I get to about 1pm and I'm starving again... *shakes head*

Hmmm... sounds like small stomach + Fast metabolism... but it doesn't matter what size meal really right? Odd... heh probably some sort of mind over matter kind of thing...

Well snacks are your friend then =D

Healthy ones if yo ucan of course lol

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*nods* unfortunaely healthy=pricey... I'll just drink some more water.. ;)

Yeah sadly it does... which is such a strange thing about our country considering hte massive shift towards healthy being more popular. Eh eventually it wont cost you twice as much to eat healthy... I hope :/

Water and Vitamin tablets! Or what I used to do in college was Milk + the breakfast shake things. Helped fight off the Freshman 5 nicely =D

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THE ONLY THING that bothered me in this article? The fact that the US media is STILL calling her Kate Middleton (which is incorrect now...)

Well if they called her by her real name now I suspect most of the public wouldn't know who she is heh.

Though didn't she keep her name or something like that? I thought I heard that....

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technically speaking she is the Lady Cathrine, princess of Cambridge (I looked it up)... Unless she and Prince William get divorced, they should use her title.. *shrugs* it's the tory in me... :D

Then I stand in-formed =D

Well then.... blame the tabloids *nods* If it was something bigger like Time or USA Today then yeah that would be a bit wtf.... but silly blogger just made a mistake I hope...

Mmmm garlic Turkey Tips.*gnaws*

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