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EDIT: Hi, double post!

VS stuff? Discworld luggage? I won't judge you if you 'splain what that means.

I've joined Sandwich Force 5. I couldn't fit any of the sammich names I wanted in such a small space but I finally found one...

Edited by Dustcrusher
double post, apparently.
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and the deal extends to their preorders. I just got my remaining arsenal packs and the rule book (pre)ordered.

this makes up for not managing to get the book at gencon before it was sold out.

(also, I think this is the first time I've ever posted in here. so... hi!)

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Guard:Sir it looks as though his chest has been burst open and his blood used to form a malevolent assassin spirit.

McMourning:Well that looks like a sure Bette *slips on sunglasses*

......CSI Malifaux

it's so bad it's amazing!

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I think I maybe met you two, albeit briefly as I was doing various bits of running about that day.

At least it was his book that time - on Thursday he was demoing from my book :-P

Ooh, I just realised - I have a prepped and primed maruts I could work on, while prepping a bunch of other stuff. But then I also have two sculpts to work on, and three stories, and the graphic... Err, little help with the total decision overload?

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