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Very nice Victoria ! Ball point pen? Looks nice, very clean and I like your use of shadows. You've got a good sense of depth. Not easy with ballpoint! The only thing I might suggest for future drawings is to maybe add a bit more line variation. Right now, your lines start off a certain width, and they stay that way. You might consider going from thick to thin in the same line. I hope that makes sense, I really am a basket case.

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bow - Its mechanical pencil, actually! And your suggestions do make sense! I'm doing these quickie little character sketches right now for whatever people are willing to send me as a donation. I'm that poor. :P

edonil - I run 2nd edition, in the forgotten realms setting. I've only had two sessions so far... I have been playing in a campaign in the dark sun setting that has been going for over three years, but the DM wanted a break to play, so I stepped in. I think they've had fun, but I'm nervous running it!

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Never played 2nd edition. Did a 3.5 campaign, that was pretty fun. I'm running a couple groups and playing in some others now. Been a lot of fun, and really looking forward to getting the Iron Kingdoms campaigns off the ground. One's on Fridays with my Star Wars group, the other is every other Saturday with the Oovoo crowd.

Ever heard of gnome stew? There's some great advice on there for new GMs, and their books are well worth the cost.

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