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Good amount of stuff, but not tons. Definitely doable before the Gencon stuff arrives.

---------- Post added at 04:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 AM ----------

This guy is going to be pretty darn close to done by the time shift is over today...sweet.

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Selling your Malifaux stuff, Abs? Not quitting the game are you?

nope, just clearing the decks for the new version.

Won't need the rulebooks and read the fluff lol, so not needing those.

And I will start by only running Lady Justice I think (though the newer Lilith, Seamus and Viks will be on the radar at a later date) so i am keeping all the minis I have of her, and will get the new box.

Besides, just purchased a second batch of Menoth stuff now lol, so will be focused on WM for the time being..

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Fair enough...

So, finished the first of the Mistborn books...holy crap, lol. Some truly great writing in that series.

Sanderson is a seriously amazing writer. He does fantastic plot twists and writes extremely interesting settings. I'm working on The Alloy of Law right now, which is set a few centuries after the Mistborn trilogy but in the same world.

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Ed, if you want to see the kickstarter mess that I was talking about, look up 'the doom that came to Atlantic City'

Ratty, the options I've found for courtiers so far aren't exactly ideas, but there's a few clan wars ones that might be ok, or you could convert fans onto something from guild of harmony. Or there's the bushido one from earlier, which I honestly think is your best bet at the moment!

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Mantic is not "too big" for Kickstarter (if they are, what about Wyrd and CMoN?), and the only Kickstarter that probably could've been done the normal way instead is Deadzone, but even so, it wouldn't have the nice playmats and terrain it will have. Kings of War needed a revitalization, and Dreadball needed to get out before GW got wind of it and put out a new Blood Bowl set (if the rumors have any basis in reality, there's talk of this happening soon).

I think they have one more KS in them before they should back off, and that's Warpath- if they are going to get that game going again it needs a lot of help.

Plenty of small projects are funding anyway, even without offers of extra loot. Most of the ones I've seen fail have failed for other reasons- poorly marketed on KS/lack of info (usually the big killer), redundant (how many more sci-fi skirmish games do we need?), or just not that great (lots of games with a neat gimmick and nothing else, or mini lines with one or two cool models surrounded by average ones).

When I see only established players' projects succeed, and no independent ones, then I will worry. Right now, it seems like there's room for both. Besides, most of Mantic's stuff is being backed by their fans anyway- why is it wrong to get the seed money from them rather than some fatcat who will demand more for their investment than discounted product?

The Dreadball restic has been bad- won't argue that. Try some hot (tea hot, not handwashing hot) water- I fixed some of that stuff last night (along with a few of my Bones minis that were crooked) with a quick hot water soak, followed by a cold water bath.

Mantic listened and the restic's a lot better now- I put some Ogres together last night and the amount of cleaning was the same as if they had been cast in metal.

---------- Post added at 11:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:29 AM ----------

Ratty, the options I've found for courtiers so far aren't exactly ideas, but there's a few clan wars ones that might be ok,

Like the ones I linked?

Check please...

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I am glad that one doesn't interest me that much. I need to stay as clean as possible.

Meanwhile, sinus headache that even ibuprofen won't kill, and a sinking feeling that I'm going to have major problems in my personal life soon...I might need to just take off for a while from everything. I think my outstanding LGS order and the Wyrd Gencon order need to be the last things I purchase for a long, long time.

---------- Post added at 03:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 PM ----------

Apparently the trick is to post here and wait a bit longer. It's still not a pleasant feeling but the headache is mostly gone.

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